Authors :
Prof. K. Sathya, H. Sangeetha, Dr. V. Balakrishnan
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Financial analysis also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. Financial analysis is done to reveal the financial position of the firm and soundness of Business. From this analysis we will find out the financial performance and this analysis from the annual report (Income statements and Balance sheets) provided by Canara Traders and Printers Limited from the year 2012 to 2017, the past five financial years, which was the main source of information. The Ratio based on the figures from the revenue statement is called revenue statement ratios. These ratios study the relationship between the profitability & the sales of the concern. It shows the relationship between profits & sales e.g. operating ratios, gross profit ratios, operating net profit ratios, expenses ratios. Business Research is an organized, database, systematic, critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem under taken, with the purpose of finding answers or solutions to it.
Keywords :
Profits & Sales E.G. Operating Ratios, Gross Profit Ratios, Operating Net Profit Ratios And Expenses Ratios.
Financial analysis also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. Financial analysis is done to reveal the financial position of the firm and soundness of Business. From this analysis we will find out the financial performance and this analysis from the annual report (Income statements and Balance sheets) provided by Canara Traders and Printers Limited from the year 2012 to 2017, the past five financial years, which was the main source of information. The Ratio based on the figures from the revenue statement is called revenue statement ratios. These ratios study the relationship between the profitability & the sales of the concern. It shows the relationship between profits & sales e.g. operating ratios, gross profit ratios, operating net profit ratios, expenses ratios. Business Research is an organized, database, systematic, critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem under taken, with the purpose of finding answers or solutions to it.
Keywords :
Profits & Sales E.G. Operating Ratios, Gross Profit Ratios, Operating Net Profit Ratios And Expenses Ratios.