Formula One and Sustainability

Authors : Akshaj Sachdeva

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : This research paper examines the sustainability aspect of the industry of Formula One. It includes research about the contribution of different factors namely Tyres, Engines, Fuel as well as Logistics and other Business Operations. The paper includes facts and figures illustrating how these factors contribute to the carbon footprint and how they can be improved to decrease emissions. Working towards this issue contributes to global sustainability as well as climate change and helps make the industry of Formula One more sustainable.

This research paper examines the sustainability aspect of the industry of Formula One. It includes research about the contribution of different factors namely Tyres, Engines, Fuel as well as Logistics and other Business Operations. The paper includes facts and figures illustrating how these factors contribute to the carbon footprint and how they can be improved to decrease emissions. Working towards this issue contributes to global sustainability as well as climate change and helps make the industry of Formula One more sustainable.

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