FPGA based Data Acquisition System for Machine Tool Spindle

Authors : P. S. Jadhav; C. B. Patil; G. B. Jirage; R. R. Mudholkar

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3TmGbDi

Scribd : https://shorturl.at/ABC46

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8021466

Abstract : :- This article presents implementation of FPGA based data acquisition system to measure the temperature of spindle of a machine tool. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is the heart of the system which is configured and programmed to obtain real time temperature of spindle machine tool using temperature sensor IC LM-35. In order to acquire analog to digital data (ADC), Serial peripheral Interface (SPI) communication protocol has been used. The data acquisition system is designed and developed using quartus II version 15.1 and implemented on Cyclone IV E FPGA device. The measured output is stored on PC and plotted using MATLAB software.

Keywords : FPGA; data acquisition;, Altera Cyclone IV E;, Quartus

:- This article presents implementation of FPGA based data acquisition system to measure the temperature of spindle of a machine tool. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is the heart of the system which is configured and programmed to obtain real time temperature of spindle machine tool using temperature sensor IC LM-35. In order to acquire analog to digital data (ADC), Serial peripheral Interface (SPI) communication protocol has been used. The data acquisition system is designed and developed using quartus II version 15.1 and implemented on Cyclone IV E FPGA device. The measured output is stored on PC and plotted using MATLAB software.

Keywords : FPGA; data acquisition;, Altera Cyclone IV E;, Quartus

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