Frequently used Medicinal Plants in Arriaga, Chiapas, Mexico: Family Spending Analysis

Authors : Ligia Margarita Domínguez Castañón, Ligia Margarita Domínguez Castañón, Otoniel Méndez García

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : Historically, plants have been an important element for the development of peoples; since sedentary is given, the cultivation of plants came with him. This historicality results in knowledge of a wide variety of plant species whose main use is medicinal and thus the development of a traditional health or medicine scheme. This study shows 70 species of medicinal plants, grown mostly in backyard, of importance to the family economy and as an alternative to health care. The place of study is Arriaga, Chiapas, Mexico, located in coastal area of the Pacific Ocean.

Keywords : Medicinal Plants, Chiapas, Family Spending.

Historically, plants have been an important element for the development of peoples; since sedentary is given, the cultivation of plants came with him. This historicality results in knowledge of a wide variety of plant species whose main use is medicinal and thus the development of a traditional health or medicine scheme. This study shows 70 species of medicinal plants, grown mostly in backyard, of importance to the family economy and as an alternative to health care. The place of study is Arriaga, Chiapas, Mexico, located in coastal area of the Pacific Ocean.

Keywords : Medicinal Plants, Chiapas, Family Spending.

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