Freshroot Online Fruit and Vegetables Selling Application

Authors : Dr. M.S. Chaoudhari; Shital Patil; Bhavana Jotwani; Sahil Dukare; Ishika Tuppat; Tejash Bhivgade; Shruti Shahare; Sanskruti Thote

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 11 - November

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Abstract : Online vegetable purchasing application have become popular in recent year due to the ease and convenience they offer to customers. Buying vegetables from hawkers through an online application is a convenience and time saving way to shop for fresh produce. Using the application, customers can browse the available vegetables, view their details, and make purchases. This application also offers features like search, filter and sorting to help customers find the vegetables they need quickly. The application also provides the option to choose the quantity of each item, making it easy to buyexactly what is needed and have it delivered directly to their doorstep. This method of purchasing vegetables not only saves time but also allows customers to compare process and avoid the hassle of physically going to a market or store. Additionally, online application often offers, making it a cost-effective option as well. Overall, buying vegetables through an online application is a convenient, efficient and increasingly popular way to shopfor fresh produce.

Keywords : Application, Fresh and Vegetable, Home Delivery.

Online vegetable purchasing application have become popular in recent year due to the ease and convenience they offer to customers. Buying vegetables from hawkers through an online application is a convenience and time saving way to shop for fresh produce. Using the application, customers can browse the available vegetables, view their details, and make purchases. This application also offers features like search, filter and sorting to help customers find the vegetables they need quickly. The application also provides the option to choose the quantity of each item, making it easy to buyexactly what is needed and have it delivered directly to their doorstep. This method of purchasing vegetables not only saves time but also allows customers to compare process and avoid the hassle of physically going to a market or store. Additionally, online application often offers, making it a cost-effective option as well. Overall, buying vegetables through an online application is a convenient, efficient and increasingly popular way to shopfor fresh produce.

Keywords : Application, Fresh and Vegetable, Home Delivery.


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