Frontend Amazon Clone using HTML CSS and Java Script

Authors : Shyam Kaushik; Ramandeep Kaur; Mansha Rani ; Anurag Kashyap; Anas Khan

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 11 - November

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Abstract : The Amazon Frontend Clone Project is a web development that attempts to replicate the user interface and design of Amazon's popular e-commerce platform using a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Our ultimate goal is to create an attractive, functional, and visually faithful clone of Amazon's frontend that allows users to seamlessly browse products, view product details and simulate the shopping experience. We will use HTML to build the website, CSS including responsive design for multiple devices, and JavaScript to implement dynamic features such as product filtering, search functionality, and interactive product details. This project not only aims to create an immersive user experience, but also serves as a valuable learning experience that allows the development team to hone their web development skills by producing valuable Amazon clones.

The Amazon Frontend Clone Project is a web development that attempts to replicate the user interface and design of Amazon's popular e-commerce platform using a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Our ultimate goal is to create an attractive, functional, and visually faithful clone of Amazon's frontend that allows users to seamlessly browse products, view product details and simulate the shopping experience. We will use HTML to build the website, CSS including responsive design for multiple devices, and JavaScript to implement dynamic features such as product filtering, search functionality, and interactive product details. This project not only aims to create an immersive user experience, but also serves as a valuable learning experience that allows the development team to hone their web development skills by producing valuable Amazon clones.


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