Full Term Pregnancy on Didelphys Uterus

Authors : Fouzia El Hilali, Fatimazahra Gounain; Mohamed karam Saoud; Nisrine Mamouni, Sanaa Errarhay; Chahrazed Bouchikhi; Abdelaziz Banani

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/38PJ1ut

Abstract : Didelphys uterus is a rare congenital malformation due to a defect of fusion of the müllerian ducts in the embryonic period with formation of two uterine and cervical cavities sometimes associated with a septated vagina. The occurrence of pregnancy in a didelphys uterus is a rare event that may be associated with increased risk of several obstetrical complications. We report the case of a 28 year old primigravida patient who was consulted for a full term pregnancy in early labor with a breech presentation and Premature Rupture of Membrane more than 12 hours before her admission in the maternity. A cesarean section was performed with the intraoperative discovery of a didelphys uterus.

Keywords : Didelphys Uterus, Pregnancy, Delivery, Müllerian Ducts Anomalies

Didelphys uterus is a rare congenital malformation due to a defect of fusion of the müllerian ducts in the embryonic period with formation of two uterine and cervical cavities sometimes associated with a septated vagina. The occurrence of pregnancy in a didelphys uterus is a rare event that may be associated with increased risk of several obstetrical complications. We report the case of a 28 year old primigravida patient who was consulted for a full term pregnancy in early labor with a breech presentation and Premature Rupture of Membrane more than 12 hours before her admission in the maternity. A cesarean section was performed with the intraoperative discovery of a didelphys uterus.

Keywords : Didelphys Uterus, Pregnancy, Delivery, Müllerian Ducts Anomalies

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