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Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
The study investigated gender preference of
senior secondary students in their choice of receiving
counseling in senior secondary schools in Ekiti State.
Two research questions were raised and one research
hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. A
descriptive survey research design was adopted for the
study. The population of the study consisted of all senior
secondary schools students. Two hundred respondents
were sampled using simple random sampling techniques.
A structured questionnaire titled: Gender Preference
Counseling Questionnaire (GPCQ) was used to collect
data. The questionnaire contained sections A and B.
Section A dealt with bio- data of the respondents while
section B dealt with items on gender preference of senior
secondary students in their choice of receiving
Counseling. The instrument was validated in order to
ensure face and content validity. Test re-test reliability
was done to ensure the consistency of the instrument.
The instrument was administered twice to 20
respondents outside the sample. The two sets of data
collected with the instrument were analyzed using
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-Efficient
(PPMCC). 0.075 correlation co-efficient was gotten
which was high enough to determine the reliability of the
instrument. In analyzing the data, frequency counts,
percentages, mean scores and standard deviation were
used to answer the research questions while t-test was
used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance.
For decision making, 2.50 and above was accepted while
below 2.50 was rejected. The results of the study
indicated that many students prefer female counselors to
male counselors. Based on this, it was recommended that
schools should make provision for and avail trained
The study investigated gender preference of
senior secondary students in their choice of receiving
counseling in senior secondary schools in Ekiti State.
Two research questions were raised and one research
hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. A
descriptive survey research design was adopted for the
study. The population of the study consisted of all senior
secondary schools students. Two hundred respondents
were sampled using simple random sampling techniques.
A structured questionnaire titled: Gender Preference
Counseling Questionnaire (GPCQ) was used to collect
data. The questionnaire contained sections A and B.
Section A dealt with bio- data of the respondents while
section B dealt with items on gender preference of senior
secondary students in their choice of receiving
Counseling. The instrument was validated in order to
ensure face and content validity. Test re-test reliability
was done to ensure the consistency of the instrument.
The instrument was administered twice to 20
respondents outside the sample. The two sets of data
collected with the instrument were analyzed using
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-Efficient
(PPMCC). 0.075 correlation co-efficient was gotten
which was high enough to determine the reliability of the
instrument. In analyzing the data, frequency counts,
percentages, mean scores and standard deviation were
used to answer the research questions while t-test was
used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance.
For decision making, 2.50 and above was accepted while
below 2.50 was rejected. The results of the study
indicated that many students prefer female counselors to
male counselors. Based on this, it was recommended that
schools should make provision for and avail trained