Genuine Authentication: Centralized Infrastructure to Seamlessly Integrate Facial Recognition Capabilities into your Web Application

Authors : Santhosh M.; Naveen Prasad K.; Koshik Rishi M.; Jawaharsrinath M.N.

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : As cyberattacks grow in complexity, traditional authentication systems face increasing vulnerabilities. Generative Authentication offers a robust solution by integrating facial recognition as a secondary security layer. This paper discusses the implementation of a micro SaaS tool enabling businesses to adopt this technology through APIs. Testing has shown a marked improvement in access security and user satisfaction while maintaining cost-efficiency. By addressing critical issues in token-based authentication, Generative Authentication ensures a scalable, resilient framework for secure access.

Keywords : Biometric Security, Facial Recognition, Generative Authentication, SaaS, Cybersecurity, Token Vulnerabilities, API Integration, Liveness Detection, Authentication Systems.

References :

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As cyberattacks grow in complexity, traditional authentication systems face increasing vulnerabilities. Generative Authentication offers a robust solution by integrating facial recognition as a secondary security layer. This paper discusses the implementation of a micro SaaS tool enabling businesses to adopt this technology through APIs. Testing has shown a marked improvement in access security and user satisfaction while maintaining cost-efficiency. By addressing critical issues in token-based authentication, Generative Authentication ensures a scalable, resilient framework for secure access.

Keywords : Biometric Security, Facial Recognition, Generative Authentication, SaaS, Cybersecurity, Token Vulnerabilities, API Integration, Liveness Detection, Authentication Systems.

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