GFRP Composites Doped with Graphene Oxide Three-Point Bending Damage Detection using Acoustic Emission Technology

Authors : B. Ram; B. Prasanth; N. Akhil; M. Sunil Kumar

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : This study investigates the effects of graphene oxide (GO) doping on the mechanical performance and damage behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites using acoustic emission (AE) technology. A series of GFRP specimens doped with varying concentrations of graphene oxide (0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%) were subjected to three-point bending tests to evaluate their flexural strength, stiffness, and failure modes. The addition of graphene oxide to GFRP composites was found to enhance both the load-bearing capacity and energy absorption, with optimal performance observed at 1.5% GO doping. Acoustic emission monitoring was employed during testing to detect and characterize real-time damage progression. AE signal analysis revealed that graphene oxide doping influences the initiation and propagation of damage, leading to changes in crack patterns, matrix failure, and fiber-matrix interactions. A correlation between AE signal features (amplitude, frequency, and energy) and specific failure mechanisms such as delamination, matrix cracking, and fiber pull- out was established.

Keywords : GFRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer), GO (Graphene Oxide), Epoxy Resins, Acoustic Emission Technology.

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This study investigates the effects of graphene oxide (GO) doping on the mechanical performance and damage behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites using acoustic emission (AE) technology. A series of GFRP specimens doped with varying concentrations of graphene oxide (0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%) were subjected to three-point bending tests to evaluate their flexural strength, stiffness, and failure modes. The addition of graphene oxide to GFRP composites was found to enhance both the load-bearing capacity and energy absorption, with optimal performance observed at 1.5% GO doping. Acoustic emission monitoring was employed during testing to detect and characterize real-time damage progression. AE signal analysis revealed that graphene oxide doping influences the initiation and propagation of damage, leading to changes in crack patterns, matrix failure, and fiber-matrix interactions. A correlation between AE signal features (amplitude, frequency, and energy) and specific failure mechanisms such as delamination, matrix cracking, and fiber pull- out was established.

Keywords : GFRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer), GO (Graphene Oxide), Epoxy Resins, Acoustic Emission Technology.

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