Authors :
Deshmukh Achyut Abasaheb, N.S Jain
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
This paper investigates the capability of geographical information system in building up a system which can be used as an information system for quality control, rate analysis and safety in construction projects. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a moderately new branch of data innovation for dealing with the spatial and non-spatial data and can viably be utilized to build up a database identified with development asset and security and quality control proposals for conceivable development exercises. ArcView 3.2, is used in present study which stores all the information in tabular format. Asset information for materials, works, supplies, suggestions for security and quality control are put away in the distinctive tables and separate tables are utilized for every development extend for rate analysis. Scripts are added to GIS software making the use of avenue language which allows the planner to access and manipulate the existing database and helps in speeding up the decision making. This paper recommends that the proposed GIS based procedure may supplant the manual strategies to extricate the data from the accessible database and can without much of a stretch is refreshed as a large portion of the data is in computerized arrange.
Keywords :
geographical information system; quality control; rate analysis ; safety;spatial data ; non spatial data
This paper investigates the capability of geographical information system in building up a system which can be used as an information system for quality control, rate analysis and safety in construction projects. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a moderately new branch of data innovation for dealing with the spatial and non-spatial data and can viably be utilized to build up a database identified with development asset and security and quality control proposals for conceivable development exercises. ArcView 3.2, is used in present study which stores all the information in tabular format. Asset information for materials, works, supplies, suggestions for security and quality control are put away in the distinctive tables and separate tables are utilized for every development extend for rate analysis. Scripts are added to GIS software making the use of avenue language which allows the planner to access and manipulate the existing database and helps in speeding up the decision making. This paper recommends that the proposed GIS based procedure may supplant the manual strategies to extricate the data from the accessible database and can without much of a stretch is refreshed as a large portion of the data is in computerized arrange.
Keywords :
geographical information system; quality control; rate analysis ; safety;spatial data ; non spatial data