"God in the Throat” An Unanticipated encounter

Authors : Ankale N.R., Belaldavar B.P., Patil M.C., Chate S. Shiromany A

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/i8u00O

Scribd : https://goo.gl/cKyl0O

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Background:- A 48yr old female presented with sudden onset absolute dysphagia & aphoniasince 10 days with history of a psychiatric illness. X-ray neck showed a very large radio opaque object in cricopharynx & upper part of cervical oesophagus. Under short general anaesthesia,FB visualized with Mc intosch laryngoscope and removed with Magill forceps and was found to be an idol of Lord Balakrishna.To our knowledge, it is the first case being reported in the world literature of such a large and unusual foreign body. Conclusion:- The authors state that such unusual foreign bodies should be anticipated in psychiatric patients who come with complains of sudden dysphagia, aphonia or respiratory distress.

Keywords : Foreign body, cricopharynx, psychiatric patient

Background:- A 48yr old female presented with sudden onset absolute dysphagia & aphoniasince 10 days with history of a psychiatric illness. X-ray neck showed a very large radio opaque object in cricopharynx & upper part of cervical oesophagus. Under short general anaesthesia,FB visualized with Mc intosch laryngoscope and removed with Magill forceps and was found to be an idol of Lord Balakrishna.To our knowledge, it is the first case being reported in the world literature of such a large and unusual foreign body. Conclusion:- The authors state that such unusual foreign bodies should be anticipated in psychiatric patients who come with complains of sudden dysphagia, aphonia or respiratory distress.

Keywords : Foreign body, cricopharynx, psychiatric patient

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