Green Information Technology Contributes to Environmental Conservation

Authors : Hassan Algizani; Abdullah Alnaim

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Information technology (IT) is a major consumer of energy and resources. The environmental impact of IT is growing rapidly as the IT industry expands and the use of IT becomes more pervasive in all aspects of our lives. Green Information Technology (IT) has emerged as a critical enabler in the pursuit of environmental sustainability. It is the practice of designing, building, using, and disposing of IT in a way that minimizes its environmental impact. Green IT can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve energy, and conserve resources. Overall, Green IT is a promising practice that can help to reduce the environmental impact of information technology. By adopting Green IT practices, organizations can help to protect the environment and promote sustainable development.

Information technology (IT) is a major consumer of energy and resources. The environmental impact of IT is growing rapidly as the IT industry expands and the use of IT becomes more pervasive in all aspects of our lives. Green Information Technology (IT) has emerged as a critical enabler in the pursuit of environmental sustainability. It is the practice of designing, building, using, and disposing of IT in a way that minimizes its environmental impact. Green IT can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve energy, and conserve resources. Overall, Green IT is a promising practice that can help to reduce the environmental impact of information technology. By adopting Green IT practices, organizations can help to protect the environment and promote sustainable development.

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