Authors :
Adarsh Agrawal, Gunjan Javaria, Kaustav Kishor, Bhaskar MG.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
The issue of waste production and management has taken a toll on municipal corporations around the world. This paper quotes some problems faced, especially in developing countries. The city of Bengaluru in India has been the subject of this study where the application of design thinking for solid waste management is proposed. A step by step procedure has been explicated in order to tackle the production of waste and its mitigation with smart thinking and planning. On a side note, since the solid waste from major developing cities reach into the ocean via a network of rivers, a method of cleaning the oceans (to reverse the damage already done) has also been elucidated. A conclusion is drawn at the end, stating the future scope of this research and ways of extending it to other big and small townships across the globe.
Keywords :
Design Thinking, Bengaluru, Solid Waste, Management.
The issue of waste production and management has taken a toll on municipal corporations around the world. This paper quotes some problems faced, especially in developing countries. The city of Bengaluru in India has been the subject of this study where the application of design thinking for solid waste management is proposed. A step by step procedure has been explicated in order to tackle the production of waste and its mitigation with smart thinking and planning. On a side note, since the solid waste from major developing cities reach into the ocean via a network of rivers, a method of cleaning the oceans (to reverse the damage already done) has also been elucidated. A conclusion is drawn at the end, stating the future scope of this research and ways of extending it to other big and small townships across the globe.
Keywords :
Design Thinking, Bengaluru, Solid Waste, Management.