Authors :
Mamudu, Friday; Matthew Okoronkwo C.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
This paper focuses on the development of Fuzzy
SQL to overcome the limitations of classical database
systems in handling imprecise and uncertain data. The
proposed comprehensive approach enriches the
capabilities of FSQL by efficiently bridging the gap
between fuzzy relational data models and their respective
practical implementations in databases. This approach
introduces new types of fuzzy comparators, fuzzy attribute
types, and fuzzy constant types in FSQL, allowing for the
specification of more accurate and expressive queries. We
introduce adaptive fulfillment thresholds along with fuzzy
set operators in order to allow complex manipulations of
fuzzy data. This paper also discusses the inclusion of
FuzzyEER principles within FSQL in order to allow a
seamless transformation from conceptual modeling to
query language execution. The significant enhancements
include the development of fuzzy functions for data
manipulation, the extension of DDL to support fuzzy data
types and constraints, and the introduction of special fuzzy
time comparators. These extensions significantly increase
the expressiveness of queries, the precision of data
representation, and the handling of uncertain temporal
information. Various performance evaluations have indeed
shown an improvement in retrieval precision and
increased user satisfaction compared to standard SQL,
especially for queries involving fuzzy conditions. The
improvements in FSQL create a solid foundation for the
management of imprecise data within relational database
systems, opening new viewpoints on applications related to
decision support systems and artificial intelligence. This
paper contributes to the developing area of fuzzy database
systems by providing practical methodologies for the
acquisition and retrieval of imprecise information in
today's data-driven environment.
Keywords :
Fuzzy Relational Databases, Fuzzy SQL, Fuzzy Queries, Fuzzy Comparators.
References :
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- R. Kumar and A. Lee, "Lossless Join Decomposition in Fuzzy Relational Databases," Journal of Database Theory and Applications, 2011.
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- J. Galindo, A. Urrutia, and M. Piattini, "FSQL: Extending SQL with Fuzzy Logic Capabilities," Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1999.
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This paper focuses on the development of Fuzzy
SQL to overcome the limitations of classical database
systems in handling imprecise and uncertain data. The
proposed comprehensive approach enriches the
capabilities of FSQL by efficiently bridging the gap
between fuzzy relational data models and their respective
practical implementations in databases. This approach
introduces new types of fuzzy comparators, fuzzy attribute
types, and fuzzy constant types in FSQL, allowing for the
specification of more accurate and expressive queries. We
introduce adaptive fulfillment thresholds along with fuzzy
set operators in order to allow complex manipulations of
fuzzy data. This paper also discusses the inclusion of
FuzzyEER principles within FSQL in order to allow a
seamless transformation from conceptual modeling to
query language execution. The significant enhancements
include the development of fuzzy functions for data
manipulation, the extension of DDL to support fuzzy data
types and constraints, and the introduction of special fuzzy
time comparators. These extensions significantly increase
the expressiveness of queries, the precision of data
representation, and the handling of uncertain temporal
information. Various performance evaluations have indeed
shown an improvement in retrieval precision and
increased user satisfaction compared to standard SQL,
especially for queries involving fuzzy conditions. The
improvements in FSQL create a solid foundation for the
management of imprecise data within relational database
systems, opening new viewpoints on applications related to
decision support systems and artificial intelligence. This
paper contributes to the developing area of fuzzy database
systems by providing practical methodologies for the
acquisition and retrieval of imprecise information in
today's data-driven environment.
Keywords :
Fuzzy Relational Databases, Fuzzy SQL, Fuzzy Queries, Fuzzy Comparators.