Healing Architecture for the Blind (Totally Blind) Case: Bekasi City Patriot Extraordinary School

Authors : Anis Wulandari; James E.D Rilatupa; Yophie Septiady

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/4sfnv3rb

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/mrxsn3sp

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14557045

Abstract : Statistical data indicates that the number of blind people in Bekasi fluctuated between 2018 and 2023, with a total of 76.67% or around 961 people. The condition of existing facilities does not match the presence of difference ability in Bekasi City, as stated in the percentage value above. To make Bekasi City accessible to people with difference ability, the Mayor of Bekasi established the first special school for people with difference ability in the city. Healing architecture has a definitional approach that aims to restore or heal both physically and emotionally, so that its application is aimed at users who are in the process of physical and mental recovery. The focus of the research is on implementing healing architecture for the blind, case in SLB Patriot Bekasi City. It is hoped that the elements contained in the healing architecture will achieve well- being in reaching facilities easily through sensory stimulation. If other senses are not functioning optimally, they can be strengthened by other senses without facing physical limitations. The research aims are: 1. Therapeutic architecture and life-enhancing experience methods are used to achieve healing architecture as a form of tactile sensory response. Well-adapted in the school environment. This research method uses qualitative to understand blind users in using tactile, sensory, involving 1 student and 1 female student. The results of this research are architectural elements that serve as a reference in the design of school buildings for the blind or visually impaired through the application of healing architecture using 2 methods, namely therapeutic architecture, and life-enhancing experience.

Keywords : Healing Architecture , Totally Blind Person.

References :

  1. Bryan Lawson, Healing Architecture, Vol 2(2), pp 95-108, September 2010
  2. Chrysihkou Evangelia, Architecture for psychiatric environments and therapeutic spaces, pp 1-193. 2014.
  3. Fantoni Ronaldo, Therapy Facilities for Bipolar Sufferers, Vol 7 (1), pp 761-768, 2019.
  4. Halim Shella Geraldine, Study of Designer Strategies in Applying Materiality Principles in the Design Process, 2021.
  5. Hasan Muhammad, et al, Qualitative Research Methods, 1st Ed, pp 7-9, May 2022.
  6. Kusumawardani Amelia Fitri, et al, Implementation of the Therapeutic space concept in the Design Strategy for Rehabilitation Centers for Depression Sufferers, Vol 20 (2), pp 365-378, October 2022.
  7. Prastiti Indrati, Use and Meaning of Domestic Space in Residential According to People with Visual Disabilities in Surabaya, Thesis, 2020.
  8. Sabatini Stefani Natalia, et al, Juhani Pallasmaa's Contribution to Architectural Theory, Vol 15 no 2, pp 49-60, December 2017.

Statistical data indicates that the number of blind people in Bekasi fluctuated between 2018 and 2023, with a total of 76.67% or around 961 people. The condition of existing facilities does not match the presence of difference ability in Bekasi City, as stated in the percentage value above. To make Bekasi City accessible to people with difference ability, the Mayor of Bekasi established the first special school for people with difference ability in the city. Healing architecture has a definitional approach that aims to restore or heal both physically and emotionally, so that its application is aimed at users who are in the process of physical and mental recovery. The focus of the research is on implementing healing architecture for the blind, case in SLB Patriot Bekasi City. It is hoped that the elements contained in the healing architecture will achieve well- being in reaching facilities easily through sensory stimulation. If other senses are not functioning optimally, they can be strengthened by other senses without facing physical limitations. The research aims are: 1. Therapeutic architecture and life-enhancing experience methods are used to achieve healing architecture as a form of tactile sensory response. Well-adapted in the school environment. This research method uses qualitative to understand blind users in using tactile, sensory, involving 1 student and 1 female student. The results of this research are architectural elements that serve as a reference in the design of school buildings for the blind or visually impaired through the application of healing architecture using 2 methods, namely therapeutic architecture, and life-enhancing experience.

Keywords : Healing Architecture , Totally Blind Person.

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