How Creative Problem-Solving Model Boosts Students’ Mastery of Gravity

Authors : Andi Ichsan Mahardika; Muhammad Arifuddin; Nana Fitriani

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : This study aims to describe the effectiveness of teaching materials of Newton's law on gravity through creative problem solving models to improve problem- solving skills. The method used is research and development with the ADDIE model. The design of the research trial is pre experiment design (the one group pretest-posttest design). The subjects of the trial in this study were 17 students of class X of the mathematics and natural sciences program at SMAN 1 Amuntai. The data collection technique was obtained through the student's pretest and posttest learning outcomes test instruments consisting of 6 essay questions with a C4 level. Data analysis was carried out with an n-gain test of pretest- posttest learning outcomes to measure effectiveness. The results showed that the average teaching material effectiveness of 5.47 categories of pretest was not good, and the average posttest of 50.23 categories was quite good, as well as an n-gain score of 0.47 moderate categories, so that the teaching material of Newton's law on gravity through the creative problem solving model to improve problem solving skills was declared effectively used in learning.

Keywords : Creative Problem Solving, Problem Solving Skills, Teaching Materials.

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This study aims to describe the effectiveness of teaching materials of Newton's law on gravity through creative problem solving models to improve problem- solving skills. The method used is research and development with the ADDIE model. The design of the research trial is pre experiment design (the one group pretest-posttest design). The subjects of the trial in this study were 17 students of class X of the mathematics and natural sciences program at SMAN 1 Amuntai. The data collection technique was obtained through the student's pretest and posttest learning outcomes test instruments consisting of 6 essay questions with a C4 level. Data analysis was carried out with an n-gain test of pretest- posttest learning outcomes to measure effectiveness. The results showed that the average teaching material effectiveness of 5.47 categories of pretest was not good, and the average posttest of 50.23 categories was quite good, as well as an n-gain score of 0.47 moderate categories, so that the teaching material of Newton's law on gravity through the creative problem solving model to improve problem solving skills was declared effectively used in learning.

Keywords : Creative Problem Solving, Problem Solving Skills, Teaching Materials.

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