Human Capital, Creativity and Productivity of Work Craftsman at Boneregency in South Sulawesi Province INDONESIA

Authors : Nurfatwa Andriani Yasin,Prof Dr Syamsul Ridjal MSi, Prof Dr Muh Jufri SPsi, Prof Dr Anshari MHum

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : This research is one of the efforts to improve the productivity of Songkok Recca craftsmen that are on Government of South Sulawesi Prov. Bone, because it is known that from 2012 to 2016 the level of productivity of the craftsmen declined as seen from the number of products produced are on the wane. This research will look at and measure aspects of human capital and the level of creativity that is owned by the craftsmen Songkok Recca in relation to the level of productivity of the craftsmen Songkok Recca. From searches are expected to be able to find solutions to solving of various problems of the handicraft business in Government. Bone Prov. of South Sulawesi. A number of problemsolving strategies need to be drafted more precisely in an effort to increase productivity through the craftsman approach of human resource management theory and theory of creativity that discuss the concept of human capital and creativity. The problem of the subject matter of the research is: How did the relationship between human capital and creativity that is owned by the craftsmen in improving their work productivity. The research method is quantitative, analysis models using Structural Equation Models (SEM) that could elaborate on the existence of the relationship and influence either directly or indirectly between the variables endegounus and Eksegounus variables. Analysis of the results obtained that the influential Human capital directly to productivity of 0734 direct effect, and creativity to productivity of 0263. While the influence of human capital to productivity through creativity only influential craftsman of 0.1389. To emphasize that market conditions and the business will follow the ever changing demands of the times, so it is necessary to change the mindset of the craftsmen, that creativity is very important if you want it SMASH this persists and the sustainable.

Keywords : Human Capital, Creativity And Productivity.

This research is one of the efforts to improve the productivity of Songkok Recca craftsmen that are on Government of South Sulawesi Prov. Bone, because it is known that from 2012 to 2016 the level of productivity of the craftsmen declined as seen from the number of products produced are on the wane. This research will look at and measure aspects of human capital and the level of creativity that is owned by the craftsmen Songkok Recca in relation to the level of productivity of the craftsmen Songkok Recca. From searches are expected to be able to find solutions to solving of various problems of the handicraft business in Government. Bone Prov. of South Sulawesi. A number of problemsolving strategies need to be drafted more precisely in an effort to increase productivity through the craftsman approach of human resource management theory and theory of creativity that discuss the concept of human capital and creativity. The problem of the subject matter of the research is: How did the relationship between human capital and creativity that is owned by the craftsmen in improving their work productivity. The research method is quantitative, analysis models using Structural Equation Models (SEM) that could elaborate on the existence of the relationship and influence either directly or indirectly between the variables endegounus and Eksegounus variables. Analysis of the results obtained that the influential Human capital directly to productivity of 0734 direct effect, and creativity to productivity of 0263. While the influence of human capital to productivity through creativity only influential craftsman of 0.1389. To emphasize that market conditions and the business will follow the ever changing demands of the times, so it is necessary to change the mindset of the craftsmen, that creativity is very important if you want it SMASH this persists and the sustainable.

Keywords : Human Capital, Creativity And Productivity.

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