Hydrological Studies of Groundwater Pollution Status Around Limestone Mining of Hial Area, Bolangir District, Odisha, India

Authors : S.R.Barick, B.K.Ratha

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Water is the most essential resource for mankind. As most surface water bodies are polluted by anthropogenic activities groundwater remains a safe option for various uses for people. Ground water is a scarce resource in most part of Odisha as 80 percent of its area consists of hard rocks. As the study area is drought prone most people depend on groundwater for drinking and agriculture. Hence, constant monitoring and assessment of water resource of this area is necessary. With this purpose the present study area Hial, a part of Bolangir district of Odisha, India is chosen. They were analyzed for physical parameters such as pH, EC, TDS and chemical parameters such as Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, HCO3, CO3, SO4. Suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation was evaluated following various classification schemes and water quality standards. Most ground water samples are of Mg-HCO3 and Ca-HCO3 type. From Richard’s salinity diagram it is observed that most of the samples are plotted in C3-S1 field indicating low Sodium Adsorption Ratio and high salinity hazard. Fluoride contamination is found in most of the water samples.

Keywords : Groundwater, Post monsoon, Contamination , Bolangir , Odisha, India.

Water is the most essential resource for mankind. As most surface water bodies are polluted by anthropogenic activities groundwater remains a safe option for various uses for people. Ground water is a scarce resource in most part of Odisha as 80 percent of its area consists of hard rocks. As the study area is drought prone most people depend on groundwater for drinking and agriculture. Hence, constant monitoring and assessment of water resource of this area is necessary. With this purpose the present study area Hial, a part of Bolangir district of Odisha, India is chosen. They were analyzed for physical parameters such as pH, EC, TDS and chemical parameters such as Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, HCO3, CO3, SO4. Suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation was evaluated following various classification schemes and water quality standards. Most ground water samples are of Mg-HCO3 and Ca-HCO3 type. From Richard’s salinity diagram it is observed that most of the samples are plotted in C3-S1 field indicating low Sodium Adsorption Ratio and high salinity hazard. Fluoride contamination is found in most of the water samples.

Keywords : Groundwater, Post monsoon, Contamination , Bolangir , Odisha, India.

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