Hydroponic Farming in Indian Hotels

Authors : Pulla Suresh; Sam Nirmal; Arpan Roy

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3bpc6Nu

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG589

Abstract : Hydroponics farms have become a new trend in the Agricultural sector, especially with the growing needs of food and also because of the limited resources. The purpose of the research project was to gain knowledge about the modern Farming Method. The findings of the research suggest that in about 5-10 years of time the hydroponic business is eyed to increase about 200%-300%compared to the present situation. The food products produced by Hydroponics method are both nutritious and organic. The limited use of resources in hydroponic farming makes this method the tool for future sustainability. The complete analysis of the research has been made by using 2 basic research tools .One is an online survey, conducted to collect the information regarding people views about Hydroponics. The other tool was an interview with a local Hydroponic Grower.

Hydroponics farms have become a new trend in the Agricultural sector, especially with the growing needs of food and also because of the limited resources. The purpose of the research project was to gain knowledge about the modern Farming Method. The findings of the research suggest that in about 5-10 years of time the hydroponic business is eyed to increase about 200%-300%compared to the present situation. The food products produced by Hydroponics method are both nutritious and organic. The limited use of resources in hydroponic farming makes this method the tool for future sustainability. The complete analysis of the research has been made by using 2 basic research tools .One is an online survey, conducted to collect the information regarding people views about Hydroponics. The other tool was an interview with a local Hydroponic Grower.

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