Identification of Kerosene Compounds from Used Lubricating Oil Pyrolysis Using GC-MS

Authors : Marinda Rahim; Mardhiyah Nadir

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Due to the decreasing reserves of fossil fuels, efforts to produce fuels using various methods have been developed continuously. In this study, kerosene was produced through a microwave-assisted pyrolysis process from used lubricating oil. The compounds and compositions contained in kerosene were analyzed by GC-MS to ensure the presence of compounds with carbon chain lengths in the range of C10-C16 as the main fraction that must be contained in kerosene. The identification results showed that the kerosene produced contained 89.98% C10-C16, while the fraction with the carbon chain length of less than C10 reached 10.05%. The types of compounds were dominated by 32.47% isoparaffin, 31.48% paraffin, 23.78% olefin, 10.03% cyclo-paraffin, and 2.18% aromatic.

Keywords : Kerosene; Lignite; GC-MS; Microwave; Pyrolysis; used Lubricanting Oil.

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Due to the decreasing reserves of fossil fuels, efforts to produce fuels using various methods have been developed continuously. In this study, kerosene was produced through a microwave-assisted pyrolysis process from used lubricating oil. The compounds and compositions contained in kerosene were analyzed by GC-MS to ensure the presence of compounds with carbon chain lengths in the range of C10-C16 as the main fraction that must be contained in kerosene. The identification results showed that the kerosene produced contained 89.98% C10-C16, while the fraction with the carbon chain length of less than C10 reached 10.05%. The types of compounds were dominated by 32.47% isoparaffin, 31.48% paraffin, 23.78% olefin, 10.03% cyclo-paraffin, and 2.18% aromatic.

Keywords : Kerosene; Lignite; GC-MS; Microwave; Pyrolysis; used Lubricanting Oil.

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