Identity Crisis in Toni Morrison’s the Bluest Eye


Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : This paper examines the role of thought in the construction of African-American women’s identity and subjectivity. Toni Morrison’s work The Bluest Eye attempts to redefine beauty and the psychological health of black women via reflection. Her first work, The Bluest Eye, has been read by a variety of critics. The novel can be used to examine the role of gaze in the formation of identity and the sound assessment of coiffure Yankee females. She has attempted to redefine beauty as well as black women’s psychological states outside of their reflected American psychological system and into a racial believability. Within the mind, the psychological condition creates a sense of self-loathing and inferiority. And it is in this instance that the search for one’s own identity begins. The most humiliating situation for someone is when she is ignored since she is not visible to the audience. That is exactly what happens to the novel’s protagonist. However, the book demonstrates how white civilization constructed its own definition of beauty, which is then universalized for people of various colours, societies, and races. However, a character like Claudia, one of the novel’s narrators, demonstrates the path to a more healthy future for blacks. Wherever the expectation of triumph operates, Morrison displays her daughter from zero image (Pecola) to freelancing uniqueness (Claudia).

Keywords : Beauty, Racism, Suppression, Freedom, Identity, Psychology.

This paper examines the role of thought in the construction of African-American women’s identity and subjectivity. Toni Morrison’s work The Bluest Eye attempts to redefine beauty and the psychological health of black women via reflection. Her first work, The Bluest Eye, has been read by a variety of critics. The novel can be used to examine the role of gaze in the formation of identity and the sound assessment of coiffure Yankee females. She has attempted to redefine beauty as well as black women’s psychological states outside of their reflected American psychological system and into a racial believability. Within the mind, the psychological condition creates a sense of self-loathing and inferiority. And it is in this instance that the search for one’s own identity begins. The most humiliating situation for someone is when she is ignored since she is not visible to the audience. That is exactly what happens to the novel’s protagonist. However, the book demonstrates how white civilization constructed its own definition of beauty, which is then universalized for people of various colours, societies, and races. However, a character like Claudia, one of the novel’s narrators, demonstrates the path to a more healthy future for blacks. Wherever the expectation of triumph operates, Morrison displays her daughter from zero image (Pecola) to freelancing uniqueness (Claudia).

Keywords : Beauty, Racism, Suppression, Freedom, Identity, Psychology.

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