iFarm: An Intelligent Irrigation System Using Cloud and Mining Concept

Authors : Subhashree Ghosh, Mrunal Mhatre, Sumaiya Sayyed, Kanchan Wani, Hyder Ali Hingoliwala

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/bCiXZ6

Scribd : https://goo.gl/QuhaBH

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : The agriculture of our country is said to be, “the gambling of the monsoon” as the monsoon rainfalls are uncertain, crooked and uneven or unequal. This paper suggests a cost effective and easy to use ATMEGA 32 automated irrigation system that utilize the android smart phone for remote control. Here we can handle the irrigation in three modes they are automated mode, manual mode, remote mode. This application precisely controls water system for corps by using a sensor micro controller system. It is achieved by installing sensors in the field to monitor the soil temperature and soil moisture which transmits the data to the microcontroller for estimation of water demands of plants. An android app was developed in the smart phone to operate directly the computing and connectivity components. Automation allows us to control appliances automatic control. It not only provides comfort but also reduce energy, efficiency and time saving. For communication between all the devices we are using cloud computing concept to access a cloud system via world wide web. Bayesian reasoning is used the knowledge of prior event to predict future event. The developed irrigation method removes the need for workmanship.

Keywords : Cloud, Embedded, Android, Remote Monitoring, Wireless Sensor Network Introduction,Database.

The agriculture of our country is said to be, “the gambling of the monsoon” as the monsoon rainfalls are uncertain, crooked and uneven or unequal. This paper suggests a cost effective and easy to use ATMEGA 32 automated irrigation system that utilize the android smart phone for remote control. Here we can handle the irrigation in three modes they are automated mode, manual mode, remote mode. This application precisely controls water system for corps by using a sensor micro controller system. It is achieved by installing sensors in the field to monitor the soil temperature and soil moisture which transmits the data to the microcontroller for estimation of water demands of plants. An android app was developed in the smart phone to operate directly the computing and connectivity components. Automation allows us to control appliances automatic control. It not only provides comfort but also reduce energy, efficiency and time saving. For communication between all the devices we are using cloud computing concept to access a cloud system via world wide web. Bayesian reasoning is used the knowledge of prior event to predict future event. The developed irrigation method removes the need for workmanship.

Keywords : Cloud, Embedded, Android, Remote Monitoring, Wireless Sensor Network Introduction,Database.

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