Image Processing Techniques: A Review

Authors : Desai Sashwat Bilvesh

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Following recent trends, the domain of Image Processing is growing vastly. The modern world is becoming more and more digital, and hence the need for Digital Image Processing is essential in order to provide more effective solutions such as an image with better resolution and clarity or an image in compressed form to reduce the space it occupies. Image Processing can be considered synonymous to Signal Processing in the way that both involve techniques to improve a digital entity. This paper includes an overview of the different Image Processing Techniques.

Keywords : Image Processing, Enhancement, Segmentation, Representation, Transform, Compression.

Following recent trends, the domain of Image Processing is growing vastly. The modern world is becoming more and more digital, and hence the need for Digital Image Processing is essential in order to provide more effective solutions such as an image with better resolution and clarity or an image in compressed form to reduce the space it occupies. Image Processing can be considered synonymous to Signal Processing in the way that both involve techniques to improve a digital entity. This paper includes an overview of the different Image Processing Techniques.

Keywords : Image Processing, Enhancement, Segmentation, Representation, Transform, Compression.

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