Impact of Clinical Appraisal and Therapeutic Talk on OCD Patients: a Case Study

Authors : Radha Gangil, Dr. Shraddha Tripathi.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : In this study, we present a case of patient of a 51 year old female who own account of her OCD. In this paper her informant describes about Patients distressing knowledge. The effect of the disturbance on Patient and her family’s life and her ensuing change utilizing the procedure of introduction and reaction avoidance,. OCD affects individual from job, relationship, belief, culture, society. The required information are collected from Gwalior Mansik Aaroygshala. This paper gives the historical backdrop of one such patient on OCD in accordance with the indicative confirmation for the situation.

Keywords : Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), case study.

In this study, we present a case of patient of a 51 year old female who own account of her OCD. In this paper her informant describes about Patients distressing knowledge. The effect of the disturbance on Patient and her family’s life and her ensuing change utilizing the procedure of introduction and reaction avoidance,. OCD affects individual from job, relationship, belief, culture, society. The required information are collected from Gwalior Mansik Aaroygshala. This paper gives the historical backdrop of one such patient on OCD in accordance with the indicative confirmation for the situation.

Keywords : Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), case study.

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