Impact of Colored Beverages on the Color Stability of Single-Shade Composite Restorative Materials- An In-Vitro Study

Authors : Dr. L. Krishna Prasada; Dr. Manisha Rai

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 11 - November

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Abstract : In dentistry, resin dental composite materials are frequently employed as tooth-colored direct cosmetic restorative solutions. The chameleon effect, which enables resin-based restorative materials to attain a shade that resembles the color of the surrounding tooth structure, is a term used to describe the blending effect, color induction, and color assimilation effects of resin composite. This study aimed To compare and evaluate the absorption of two different composite restorative materials. 32 extracted premolar samples were collected for the investigation. A rubber index was made to retain the class 5 tooth preparation measurements on the buccal surface, and the measurements were checked with a digital caliper. The tooth was split into two groups of sixteen each, 1-3M FILTEK Z350XT and 2- VITTRA APS UNIQUE. The teeth of each group were further divided into two groups, i.e., subgroups 1.1 and 2.1 for colored beverages, and 1.2 and 2.2 for carbonated beverages, before being submerged in tea and coke for 24 hours and 72 hours, respectively, to simulate one month and three month of beverage use. After this the color parameters were analyzed using a Spectrophotometer and color changes were compared. Different materials had no statistically significant interaction between material, media, and time, according to a three-way ANOVA (p <0.005).

Keywords : Single Shade Composite, Color, Staining Media.

In dentistry, resin dental composite materials are frequently employed as tooth-colored direct cosmetic restorative solutions. The chameleon effect, which enables resin-based restorative materials to attain a shade that resembles the color of the surrounding tooth structure, is a term used to describe the blending effect, color induction, and color assimilation effects of resin composite. This study aimed To compare and evaluate the absorption of two different composite restorative materials. 32 extracted premolar samples were collected for the investigation. A rubber index was made to retain the class 5 tooth preparation measurements on the buccal surface, and the measurements were checked with a digital caliper. The tooth was split into two groups of sixteen each, 1-3M FILTEK Z350XT and 2- VITTRA APS UNIQUE. The teeth of each group were further divided into two groups, i.e., subgroups 1.1 and 2.1 for colored beverages, and 1.2 and 2.2 for carbonated beverages, before being submerged in tea and coke for 24 hours and 72 hours, respectively, to simulate one month and three month of beverage use. After this the color parameters were analyzed using a Spectrophotometer and color changes were compared. Different materials had no statistically significant interaction between material, media, and time, according to a three-way ANOVA (p <0.005).

Keywords : Single Shade Composite, Color, Staining Media.


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