Impact of Government-Non Government Programmes on Livelihood of the Beneficiaries of Bhedarganj Upazila at Shariatpur District in Bangladesh

Authors : Abu Sayed Md. Kamruzzaman; Md. Selim Reza; Md. Monarul Islam; Mohshi-U-Nahidy Islam

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : The main purpose of this study was to determine the impact of development programmes run by the government and non-governmental organizations on the beneficiaries' quality of life. Assuring beneficiary participation in productivity, income, consumption, and livelihood development activities is one of the key requirements for Bangladesh's overall economic development. Since Bangladesh's independence, the majority of government and non-government organizations have worked to achieve the aforementioned conditions and they consider this to be a necessary condition for the impact of livelihood development. Twelve traits of the respondents were as independent variables. An overwhelming majority (71.03 percent) of the respondents increased their livelihood development which ranged from medium level compared to 28.97 percent of the beneficiaries increased at low-level livelihood development. To find out the relationships between the independent variables with their changes in livelihood development (dependent variable) Pearson’s correlation coefficient test (r) was used. Out of 12 selected characteristics 9 characteristics namely age (r - 0.157**), education (r -0.143**), family size (r - 0.210**), farm size (r - 0.212**), credit received (r - 0.148**), credit utilization (r - 0.147**), grant received (r - 0.300**) credit repayment behaviour (r - 0.479**) and innovativeness (r - 0.466** of the beneficiaries contribute of livelihood development was found significant and training received (r-0.045), savings behaviour (r- 0.091) and income generating activities (r0.006) contribution of livelihood development was not found significant.

Keywords : Impact, Livelihood, Government-Non Government Programmes

The main purpose of this study was to determine the impact of development programmes run by the government and non-governmental organizations on the beneficiaries' quality of life. Assuring beneficiary participation in productivity, income, consumption, and livelihood development activities is one of the key requirements for Bangladesh's overall economic development. Since Bangladesh's independence, the majority of government and non-government organizations have worked to achieve the aforementioned conditions and they consider this to be a necessary condition for the impact of livelihood development. Twelve traits of the respondents were as independent variables. An overwhelming majority (71.03 percent) of the respondents increased their livelihood development which ranged from medium level compared to 28.97 percent of the beneficiaries increased at low-level livelihood development. To find out the relationships between the independent variables with their changes in livelihood development (dependent variable) Pearson’s correlation coefficient test (r) was used. Out of 12 selected characteristics 9 characteristics namely age (r - 0.157**), education (r -0.143**), family size (r - 0.210**), farm size (r - 0.212**), credit received (r - 0.148**), credit utilization (r - 0.147**), grant received (r - 0.300**) credit repayment behaviour (r - 0.479**) and innovativeness (r - 0.466** of the beneficiaries contribute of livelihood development was found significant and training received (r-0.045), savings behaviour (r- 0.091) and income generating activities (r0.006) contribution of livelihood development was not found significant.

Keywords : Impact, Livelihood, Government-Non Government Programmes

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