Implementation of Safety Behavior on Occupational Safety and Health in the Bonded and Logistic Services Division of Pt. Gmf Aeroasia Tbk

Authors : Nanda Rizki Fadhilah; Kasmir

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Safe behavior (safety behavior) is an attitude that does not lead to the formation of accidents or incidents, where a person maintains the safety of his work area by following safety procedures and consuming personal protective equipment. This study aims to find out how the condition of implementing safety behavior on occupational health and safety in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk, To find out what factors violate the implementation of safety behavior that cause work accidents related to occupational safety and health in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk, To find out what obstacles are experienced in implementing safety behavior towards occupational safety and health in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk, To create and analyze how the correct safety behavior implementation concept model for occupational safety and health in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk. The results of this study are in the form of answers to existing problem formulations such as regarding the condition of implementing safety behavior on occupational health and safety, where at PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk especially the Bonded and Logistic Services divisions are guided by a guideline rule, the rule is named "HSE Manual", factors of violation of safety behavior such as working not in accordance with guidelines/procedures, lack of awareness and not focusing on work, not checking tools or equipment according to guidelines causes work accidents, obstacles in implementing safety behavior such as working in a hurry due to pursuing TAT which must be achieved immediately, do not understand safety behavior guidelines properly, work deadlines so employees often forget safety and safety regulations as well as Turnover and working time deadlines must be completed immediately and in the form of a new strategy/concept from the guidelines regarding safety behavior and occupational health and safety in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk.

Keywords : Safety Behavior, Occupational health and safety, Bonded and Logistic Services Division PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk.

Safe behavior (safety behavior) is an attitude that does not lead to the formation of accidents or incidents, where a person maintains the safety of his work area by following safety procedures and consuming personal protective equipment. This study aims to find out how the condition of implementing safety behavior on occupational health and safety in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk, To find out what factors violate the implementation of safety behavior that cause work accidents related to occupational safety and health in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk, To find out what obstacles are experienced in implementing safety behavior towards occupational safety and health in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk, To create and analyze how the correct safety behavior implementation concept model for occupational safety and health in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk. The results of this study are in the form of answers to existing problem formulations such as regarding the condition of implementing safety behavior on occupational health and safety, where at PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk especially the Bonded and Logistic Services divisions are guided by a guideline rule, the rule is named "HSE Manual", factors of violation of safety behavior such as working not in accordance with guidelines/procedures, lack of awareness and not focusing on work, not checking tools or equipment according to guidelines causes work accidents, obstacles in implementing safety behavior such as working in a hurry due to pursuing TAT which must be achieved immediately, do not understand safety behavior guidelines properly, work deadlines so employees often forget safety and safety regulations as well as Turnover and working time deadlines must be completed immediately and in the form of a new strategy/concept from the guidelines regarding safety behavior and occupational health and safety in the Bonded and Logistic Services division of PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk.

Keywords : Safety Behavior, Occupational health and safety, Bonded and Logistic Services Division PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk.

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