Improvement of LTE Coverage in the City of Yaoundé: Case of CAMTEL

Authors : BABGAI Raphael Guidéké; Dr. Olivier VIDEME BOSSOU; WOUASSI NOUALIEU Isabelle

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : Mobile and wireless networks have experienced unprecedented growth in recent years. It involves the deployment of several successive generations of Telecommunications networks essentially dedicated to telephony (2G: Second Generation), then more oriented towards multimedia (3G: Third Generation), 4G/LTE (Long Term Evolution) designed to meet high speed and 5G (Fifth Generation) is aiming much higher and operators around the world are currently preparing for the arrival of this new generation. 4G (Fourth Generation) brings a real increase in terms of speed and allows interoperability with other mobile networks. This is how the historic operator of Telecommunications in Cameroon, CAMTEL (Cameroon Telecommunications) in order to meet the ever-increasing demand of users, undertakes to implement a new technology capable of responding to the continuous growth of traffic, with a low latency, better reliability and better spectral efficiency compared to the initial technology which was not successful. This article is about proposing solutions to optimize areas with low coverage of the LTE (Long Term Evolution) network in the city of Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. For that, we have to analyse the data collected in order to see the network status and subsequently identify the areas not covered that will require intervention.

Keywords : 4G, LTE, Coverage, Drive-test, KPI.

Mobile and wireless networks have experienced unprecedented growth in recent years. It involves the deployment of several successive generations of Telecommunications networks essentially dedicated to telephony (2G: Second Generation), then more oriented towards multimedia (3G: Third Generation), 4G/LTE (Long Term Evolution) designed to meet high speed and 5G (Fifth Generation) is aiming much higher and operators around the world are currently preparing for the arrival of this new generation. 4G (Fourth Generation) brings a real increase in terms of speed and allows interoperability with other mobile networks. This is how the historic operator of Telecommunications in Cameroon, CAMTEL (Cameroon Telecommunications) in order to meet the ever-increasing demand of users, undertakes to implement a new technology capable of responding to the continuous growth of traffic, with a low latency, better reliability and better spectral efficiency compared to the initial technology which was not successful. This article is about proposing solutions to optimize areas with low coverage of the LTE (Long Term Evolution) network in the city of Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. For that, we have to analyse the data collected in order to see the network status and subsequently identify the areas not covered that will require intervention.

Keywords : 4G, LTE, Coverage, Drive-test, KPI.

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