Improving Energy Efficient in Wireless Sensor Network by using Artificial Neural Network

Authors : T. Nandhini, Dr. S. Kalaivani.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can be used in various organization, more issues in WSN. Sometimes energy consumption of sensor node is high and node will be dead in certain time. In this paper proposed techniques provides two mechanisms Energy aware distributed clustering (EADC) and Energy aware multicast clustering (EAMC).Using Artificial neural network to provides the efficient threshold value for analyzing the sensor node level. MD5 (Message Digest) algorithm is used for securing the chief node in the network. MD5 algorithm is secure transaction by encrypting data from source and transmitted to destination and respective key is needed by authorized receiver to decrypt file in destination. In this techniques to avoid the workload, improve energy efficiency of each node and secured data transaction.

The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can be used in various organization, more issues in WSN. Sometimes energy consumption of sensor node is high and node will be dead in certain time. In this paper proposed techniques provides two mechanisms Energy aware distributed clustering (EADC) and Energy aware multicast clustering (EAMC).Using Artificial neural network to provides the efficient threshold value for analyzing the sensor node level. MD5 (Message Digest) algorithm is used for securing the chief node in the network. MD5 algorithm is secure transaction by encrypting data from source and transmitted to destination and respective key is needed by authorized receiver to decrypt file in destination. In this techniques to avoid the workload, improve energy efficiency of each node and secured data transaction.

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