Influence of Customer Relationship Management Program on Purchase Interest at Starbucks in Application Use

Authors : Mochamad Ahmadi; Wijayanti Dewi Prabandari; Ervina Taviprawati

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : - This research is submitted in hopes of helping the reader in searching information about Application Starbucks Indonesia and as terms for the researcher to get a bachelor degree.In this research, a method that used is descriptive quantitative with simple linear regression. The questioner isspread by a Google formsystem with 111 total people of respondent with 17 statements.

Keywords : CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Application Starbucks Indonesia, Buying Interest, Application.

- This research is submitted in hopes of helping the reader in searching information about Application Starbucks Indonesia and as terms for the researcher to get a bachelor degree.In this research, a method that used is descriptive quantitative with simple linear regression. The questioner isspread by a Google formsystem with 111 total people of respondent with 17 statements.

Keywords : CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Application Starbucks Indonesia, Buying Interest, Application.

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