Influence of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Employee Green Behavior (Egb) to the Performance of Tourism Personnel in the Development

Authors : Kamnasar, Lenny Christina Nawangsari

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : This research aims to know and analyze the influence of Transformational leadership style, organizational culture and EGB to the performance of employees in the development of tourism in Muna District tourism office. This type of quantitative study with associative methods of exportation by using surveys with data types and sources is the primary data of secondary data, where primary data is obtained from questionnaires and interviews to the designated tourism and culture officers and secondary data acquired from the agencies and Dinas related to the research using the SEM method with Software Partial Least Square (PLS) 3.2.8. Analysis of The matrix outer model and Inner Modeler using the technique Confimatory Factor Analysis (CFA) testing is based on the value of cross loading with the measurement of construction and the value of the Average Variance Extracted. The research object is the Department of Tourism of South East Sulawesi, with a population and sample rate of 119 people. The results of the research show that the transfomational leadership, organizational culture, and Employee Green Behavior (EGB) have an influence on the performance of employees in tourism development at the Muna district, Southeast Sulawesi province.

Keywords : Development of Tourism Influenced by Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture through Employee Green Behaviour (EGB) to Employee Performance.

This research aims to know and analyze the influence of Transformational leadership style, organizational culture and EGB to the performance of employees in the development of tourism in Muna District tourism office. This type of quantitative study with associative methods of exportation by using surveys with data types and sources is the primary data of secondary data, where primary data is obtained from questionnaires and interviews to the designated tourism and culture officers and secondary data acquired from the agencies and Dinas related to the research using the SEM method with Software Partial Least Square (PLS) 3.2.8. Analysis of The matrix outer model and Inner Modeler using the technique Confimatory Factor Analysis (CFA) testing is based on the value of cross loading with the measurement of construction and the value of the Average Variance Extracted. The research object is the Department of Tourism of South East Sulawesi, with a population and sample rate of 119 people. The results of the research show that the transfomational leadership, organizational culture, and Employee Green Behavior (EGB) have an influence on the performance of employees in tourism development at the Muna district, Southeast Sulawesi province.

Keywords : Development of Tourism Influenced by Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture through Employee Green Behaviour (EGB) to Employee Performance.

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