Authors :
Kuncham Pushpa Sri Vyshnavi; Yenduri Harshitha Lakshmi; Shaik Fyzulla; Dr.Y.Sangeetha
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
The Chatbots uses the conversational
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to create a Virtual
Conversation between human and a computer in natural
language. Chatbot also reduces human efforts to clear
queries of users and chat with human by helping them to
solve their queries. The People from different places
approach the company for different requirements. With
the help of website people can access required
information from the website about the company. If a
specific human has question that they wants to enquire,
they need to reach company numerous numbers of times
or they should call the company numerous times for
gathering answers to the questions they had. Our
INQUESTBOT helps their time and effort by saving.
This INQUESTBOT, chatbot can be integrated on
websites for inquiry and it also acts as companion. The
INQUESTBOT asks many questions to get specific
answers to the questions and the bot is Rule based
chatbot that has predefined questions and expects the
replies from its menu or options that generally uses
buttons. INQUESTBOT intends to design with a
streamline the process of problem solving.
Keywords :
Bootstrap, Chatbot, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Query.
The Chatbots uses the conversational
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to create a Virtual
Conversation between human and a computer in natural
language. Chatbot also reduces human efforts to clear
queries of users and chat with human by helping them to
solve their queries. The People from different places
approach the company for different requirements. With
the help of website people can access required
information from the website about the company. If a
specific human has question that they wants to enquire,
they need to reach company numerous numbers of times
or they should call the company numerous times for
gathering answers to the questions they had. Our
INQUESTBOT helps their time and effort by saving.
This INQUESTBOT, chatbot can be integrated on
websites for inquiry and it also acts as companion. The
INQUESTBOT asks many questions to get specific
answers to the questions and the bot is Rule based
chatbot that has predefined questions and expects the
replies from its menu or options that generally uses
buttons. INQUESTBOT intends to design with a
streamline the process of problem solving.
Keywords :
Bootstrap, Chatbot, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Query.