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Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Now-a-days, it is a common problem that
occurs in the fuel injection pump is “Air lock or Diesel
block”. It is difficult criteria to find out where the air
lock occurs in the vehicle. This air lock can cause
blockage in the nozzle holes (incase of partly blocked
nozzle, the angle of spray of nozzle would be differed.
For example: if the angle of spray is 30 degree it is varied
to 45 degree). If the angle of spray of nozzle differs fuel
does not burn completely. It also causes starting trouble
in the vehicle. The choking of the diesel strainer also
occurs due this air lock. There is an easy methodology to
identify and overcome the air lock problems. This paper
explains how the air lock occurs in the fuel injection
pump and how to identify the air lock and rectify it.
Keywords :
Air Lock, Fuel Pump, Strainer.
Now-a-days, it is a common problem that
occurs in the fuel injection pump is “Air lock or Diesel
block”. It is difficult criteria to find out where the air
lock occurs in the vehicle. This air lock can cause
blockage in the nozzle holes (incase of partly blocked
nozzle, the angle of spray of nozzle would be differed.
For example: if the angle of spray is 30 degree it is varied
to 45 degree). If the angle of spray of nozzle differs fuel
does not burn completely. It also causes starting trouble
in the vehicle. The choking of the diesel strainer also
occurs due this air lock. There is an easy methodology to
identify and overcome the air lock problems. This paper
explains how the air lock occurs in the fuel injection
pump and how to identify the air lock and rectify it.
Keywords :
Air Lock, Fuel Pump, Strainer.