Intelligent Decision Model to Predict and Manage the Food Security Status of Dry Broad Beans

Authors : Mohamed M. Reda Ali; Maryam Hazman; Mohamed H. Khafagy; Mostafa Thabet

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Dry Broad Beans (DBB) is the first strategic legume crop in Egypt and other developing countries. Also, it is considered one of the most popular Egyptian foods from the Pharaonic age to now. This study aims to develop an Intelligent Decision Model to Predict and Manage the Food Security Status of DBB (IDMPMFSSDBB). The proposed model utilizes Data Mining Classification Technique (DMCT) and its algorithms such as Random Tree (RT), Random Forest (RF), ..., and J48 algorithms to classify and predict the Food Security Status of DBB (FSSDBB) in agriculture demographic regions in Egypt. It collects data features which are Food Security Markers for DBB (FSMDBB) from official statistical reports to build the Food Security of DBB Dataset (FSDBBD). It determines the patterns of DBB production and consumption to determine the annual Average Per Capita of DBB (APCDBB), and the Self-Sufficiency Ratio of DBB (SSRDBB) in the current and future times according to the proposed model.IDMPMFSSDBB supports decision-makers with informed decisions to meet the Egyptian population's needs, supports the food security situation for DBB, and fights grain instability prices, and crises in global trade markets.It had respectively the following pairs of Mean Absolute Errors (MAE), and Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE): (0.024, 0.12), (0.049, 0.14), (0.042, 0.14), (0.027, 0.16), (0.037, 0.19), and (0.11, 0.28).

Keywords : Intelligent Decision Model to Predict and Manage the Food Security Status of Dry Broad Beans (IDMPMFSSDBB); Data Mining Classification Techniques (DMCT); Food Security Status of Dry Broad Beans (FSSDBB); Self–Sufficiency Ratio of Dry Broad Beans (SSRDBB).

Dry Broad Beans (DBB) is the first strategic legume crop in Egypt and other developing countries. Also, it is considered one of the most popular Egyptian foods from the Pharaonic age to now. This study aims to develop an Intelligent Decision Model to Predict and Manage the Food Security Status of DBB (IDMPMFSSDBB). The proposed model utilizes Data Mining Classification Technique (DMCT) and its algorithms such as Random Tree (RT), Random Forest (RF), ..., and J48 algorithms to classify and predict the Food Security Status of DBB (FSSDBB) in agriculture demographic regions in Egypt. It collects data features which are Food Security Markers for DBB (FSMDBB) from official statistical reports to build the Food Security of DBB Dataset (FSDBBD). It determines the patterns of DBB production and consumption to determine the annual Average Per Capita of DBB (APCDBB), and the Self-Sufficiency Ratio of DBB (SSRDBB) in the current and future times according to the proposed model.IDMPMFSSDBB supports decision-makers with informed decisions to meet the Egyptian population's needs, supports the food security situation for DBB, and fights grain instability prices, and crises in global trade markets.It had respectively the following pairs of Mean Absolute Errors (MAE), and Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE): (0.024, 0.12), (0.049, 0.14), (0.042, 0.14), (0.027, 0.16), (0.037, 0.19), and (0.11, 0.28).

Keywords : Intelligent Decision Model to Predict and Manage the Food Security Status of Dry Broad Beans (IDMPMFSSDBB); Data Mining Classification Techniques (DMCT); Food Security Status of Dry Broad Beans (FSSDBB); Self–Sufficiency Ratio of Dry Broad Beans (SSRDBB).

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