Intelligent Train Engine to Avoid Accidents and Railway Gate Controlling

Authors : K Sushma Reddy

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Now-a-days public is facing many threats from the railway department by which they are hesitating to plan a train journey. Railway accidents may occur due to various reasons like an obstacle on the railway track or near the railway gate, fire inside the train and so on. Though the railway department is trying to take actions to reduce such informal things but couldn’t see the face of success completely. This project has designed a system which will help the railway department by overcoming accidents. This project is introduced to add automation in railway transportation. Here obstacle sensor is used to monitor the track and sense any obstacle, if sensed in short distance signal is transmitted to the receiver section which will give horn i.e. buzzer and train stops. If any person or vehicle is trying to cross the railway gate then also train stops and the gate is kept open by the DC motor for the person or vehicle to pass. Fire sensor is used to detect fire which will buzzer to alert passengers as well run motor to spread water on the fire detected surface. RF transmitter and receiver are used to continuously transmit and receive signals to control the movement of train. DC motor is fixed at the railway gate to open and close the gate, as well as spread water based on signal received. Here AT89S52 microcontroller is employed for the functioning of the system.

Keywords : Microcontroller AT89S52, Fire Sensor, Obstacle Sensor, DC motor, Buzzer, RF Transmitter and Receiver, RF Encoder and Decoder.

Now-a-days public is facing many threats from the railway department by which they are hesitating to plan a train journey. Railway accidents may occur due to various reasons like an obstacle on the railway track or near the railway gate, fire inside the train and so on. Though the railway department is trying to take actions to reduce such informal things but couldn’t see the face of success completely. This project has designed a system which will help the railway department by overcoming accidents. This project is introduced to add automation in railway transportation. Here obstacle sensor is used to monitor the track and sense any obstacle, if sensed in short distance signal is transmitted to the receiver section which will give horn i.e. buzzer and train stops. If any person or vehicle is trying to cross the railway gate then also train stops and the gate is kept open by the DC motor for the person or vehicle to pass. Fire sensor is used to detect fire which will buzzer to alert passengers as well run motor to spread water on the fire detected surface. RF transmitter and receiver are used to continuously transmit and receive signals to control the movement of train. DC motor is fixed at the railway gate to open and close the gate, as well as spread water based on signal received. Here AT89S52 microcontroller is employed for the functioning of the system.

Keywords : Microcontroller AT89S52, Fire Sensor, Obstacle Sensor, DC motor, Buzzer, RF Transmitter and Receiver, RF Encoder and Decoder.

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