IoT based Smart Local Transport Tracking System

Authors : Mr. Milind Paraye

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Commuters in city often come across the situation whether to wait for the Municipal Transport bus or to hire cab/taxi or walk to reach the destination. Many people are often late to office because they wait for the bus instead of taking taxi or just simply walking. Decision of whether or not to wait at a Municipal Transport bus is easy if people had an simple real-time mode to see each Municipal Transport bus’s location, commuters could make a more accurate decision. The Smart Local Transport Tracking System is a real-time announcement system that will help commuters. Commuters can make the correct decision of whether to wait for the Municipal Transport bus or to hire cab/taxi or walk to reach the destination. This system is a dynamic system. It is developed to display the real time location/s of the Municipal Transport buses in Metro city at every Municipal Transport bus stop and Local Train / Metro stations. The same information can be shown in commuter’s Smartphone using Google map and Android App. To see the real-time information of Municipal Transport buses commuters have to install Google map and specially designed Android App.

Keywords : IoT, Transport Tracking System, Smart Transport.

Commuters in city often come across the situation whether to wait for the Municipal Transport bus or to hire cab/taxi or walk to reach the destination. Many people are often late to office because they wait for the bus instead of taking taxi or just simply walking. Decision of whether or not to wait at a Municipal Transport bus is easy if people had an simple real-time mode to see each Municipal Transport bus’s location, commuters could make a more accurate decision. The Smart Local Transport Tracking System is a real-time announcement system that will help commuters. Commuters can make the correct decision of whether to wait for the Municipal Transport bus or to hire cab/taxi or walk to reach the destination. This system is a dynamic system. It is developed to display the real time location/s of the Municipal Transport buses in Metro city at every Municipal Transport bus stop and Local Train / Metro stations. The same information can be shown in commuter’s Smartphone using Google map and Android App. To see the real-time information of Municipal Transport buses commuters have to install Google map and specially designed Android App.

Keywords : IoT, Transport Tracking System, Smart Transport.

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