Authors :
Mahesh Mahendrakar, Dr. Jahanara, Dr. Syed H Mazhar.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
A sample survey study was on Adoption behavior of Bt cotton (Bacillus thuringiensis) growers in Shahapur taluk of Yadgir district (Karnataka) covering 1 taluk of 10 respondents purposively selected villages with 120 randomly selected sample growers in order to evaluate Adoption behavior of Bt cotton growers and the related correlates sufficient previous researchers were reviewed to select the critical variables for developing the theoretical concept and deriving the hypothesis. The data were collected to observation, informal discussion and formal interview techniques with the help of predesigned tested instrument for recording the relevant information. The data thus, collected were processed, analyzed, interpreted in the light of objectives set forth with the application of suitable statistical test. It has found that majority (63.33%) of the respondents had medium level of knowledge, whereas 19.16 and 17.50 per cent of respondents had high and low knowledge respectively. The mean knowledge score of the respondents was 30.84.
A sample survey study was on Adoption behavior of Bt cotton (Bacillus thuringiensis) growers in Shahapur taluk of Yadgir district (Karnataka) covering 1 taluk of 10 respondents purposively selected villages with 120 randomly selected sample growers in order to evaluate Adoption behavior of Bt cotton growers and the related correlates sufficient previous researchers were reviewed to select the critical variables for developing the theoretical concept and deriving the hypothesis. The data were collected to observation, informal discussion and formal interview techniques with the help of predesigned tested instrument for recording the relevant information. The data thus, collected were processed, analyzed, interpreted in the light of objectives set forth with the application of suitable statistical test. It has found that majority (63.33%) of the respondents had medium level of knowledge, whereas 19.16 and 17.50 per cent of respondents had high and low knowledge respectively. The mean knowledge score of the respondents was 30.84.