Leadership Behavior and Education Supervision Behavior of the Elementary School Principals in Jember Regency and their Effects on the Elemetary Teachers’ Professional Attitude, Teacher Work Motivation and Teacher Work Satisfaction

Authors : M. Sulthon Masyhud; Zakiyah Tasnim

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3JasxQF

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7563868

Abstract : This research was conducted to know whether leadership behavior and education supervision behavior of the elementary school principals in Jember, being together or separated,affected the elementary teachers’ professional attitude, work motivation, and work satisfaction. To gain the objective of the research, Expost facto research design was applied by involving 50 elementary school principals and 100 elementary school teachers, from 50 elementary schools, as the research subjects. There were five kinds of questionnaire to collect the data about leadership behavior, education supervision behavior, professional attitude, work motivation, and work satisfaction. The collected data were analyzed by applying multiple regression. From the analyses, it was found that leadership behavior and education supervision behavior of the elementary school principals, being together or separated, significantly affected the elementary school teachers’ professional attitude, work motivation, and work satisfaction.

Keywords : leadership behavior, education supervision behavior, professional attitude, work motivation, and work satisfaction.

This research was conducted to know whether leadership behavior and education supervision behavior of the elementary school principals in Jember, being together or separated,affected the elementary teachers’ professional attitude, work motivation, and work satisfaction. To gain the objective of the research, Expost facto research design was applied by involving 50 elementary school principals and 100 elementary school teachers, from 50 elementary schools, as the research subjects. There were five kinds of questionnaire to collect the data about leadership behavior, education supervision behavior, professional attitude, work motivation, and work satisfaction. The collected data were analyzed by applying multiple regression. From the analyses, it was found that leadership behavior and education supervision behavior of the elementary school principals, being together or separated, significantly affected the elementary school teachers’ professional attitude, work motivation, and work satisfaction.

Keywords : leadership behavior, education supervision behavior, professional attitude, work motivation, and work satisfaction.

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