Literature Survey on Energy Efficient Wireless Mesh Network during Environmental Monitoring

Authors : Manish S Kimmatkar, Dr. S. M. Asutkar, Kiran Kimmatkar

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : In today’s fast industrial growth the important global environmental issue is reduction of co2 emission. Recently fast growth of communication wired and wireless communication like mobile communication becomes increasingly popular with consumers. The wireless mesh network (WMN) is most likely favorite wireless access. WMN provides the wireless connectivity through the sensor to the consumer lot economical and much more supple backhaul infrastructure as compared with the wired network solutions. The wireless networking solutions for upcoming future has been adopted by most emerging technology known as wireless mesh network(WMN). Due to the consumption of maximum energy in that petricular the field of ICT industries which will direct impact on our environment i.e. co2 emission, energy efficiency and life of network becomes a important key factor to evaluate the performance of WSN and WMN. This survey paper is a primarily focuses on the classifications of the different layers and the humble approaches which are devoted to the conservation of energy. It also survey for energy saving concepts for wireless mesh networks.

Keywords : WSN:- Wireless Sensor Network ,WMN:- Wireless Mesh Network, 802.11 Routing Protocol, MAC Protocols.

In today’s fast industrial growth the important global environmental issue is reduction of co2 emission. Recently fast growth of communication wired and wireless communication like mobile communication becomes increasingly popular with consumers. The wireless mesh network (WMN) is most likely favorite wireless access. WMN provides the wireless connectivity through the sensor to the consumer lot economical and much more supple backhaul infrastructure as compared with the wired network solutions. The wireless networking solutions for upcoming future has been adopted by most emerging technology known as wireless mesh network(WMN). Due to the consumption of maximum energy in that petricular the field of ICT industries which will direct impact on our environment i.e. co2 emission, energy efficiency and life of network becomes a important key factor to evaluate the performance of WSN and WMN. This survey paper is a primarily focuses on the classifications of the different layers and the humble approaches which are devoted to the conservation of energy. It also survey for energy saving concepts for wireless mesh networks.

Keywords : WSN:- Wireless Sensor Network ,WMN:- Wireless Mesh Network, 802.11 Routing Protocol, MAC Protocols.

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