Authors : Tri Agriana Sari

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/357zErr

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6381416

Abstract : This report is identifying the power of loyalty cards program and its strategic role for small businesses in Australia. A small company that has been chosen for this project is Nana Café and Restaurant, which is located at 176-180 Salisbury Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050. A survey questionnaire (Appendix 1) has been made and given to the Nana Café and Restaurant’s customers in order to know their experience when purchasing at Nana Café and Restaurant, and also their opinion toward loyalty cards program. The survey has been given to the customers (mostly regular customers) by providing them a copy of a QR code that directly links to the online survey questionnaire when the customers scan the QR code through their smartphones. Therefore, when the customers were given the copy of QR code, that was their option whether they were happy to do the online survey or not. There are about 51 respondents from Nana Café and Restaurant’s customers that I can gain from doing my research. As I do not want to force the customers to fill out the survey, so that was their willingness to help me doing the survey. In addition, the results of the survey indicate that 94.1% of the respondents are willing to come more often if Nana Café and Restaurant provides them a loyalty card. Therefore, it means that, when the customers own a loyalty program with a café or restaurant, the more customers will be more likely to re-visit the café or restaurant. This report will contain several parts, including introduction, background information about the company, marketing analysis, research objectives, literature review, research methodology, data collection, and research findings. Finally, several recommendations and conclusions will be provided according to the results of the data analysis.

This report is identifying the power of loyalty cards program and its strategic role for small businesses in Australia. A small company that has been chosen for this project is Nana Café and Restaurant, which is located at 176-180 Salisbury Road, Camperdown, NSW, 2050. A survey questionnaire (Appendix 1) has been made and given to the Nana Café and Restaurant’s customers in order to know their experience when purchasing at Nana Café and Restaurant, and also their opinion toward loyalty cards program. The survey has been given to the customers (mostly regular customers) by providing them a copy of a QR code that directly links to the online survey questionnaire when the customers scan the QR code through their smartphones. Therefore, when the customers were given the copy of QR code, that was their option whether they were happy to do the online survey or not. There are about 51 respondents from Nana Café and Restaurant’s customers that I can gain from doing my research. As I do not want to force the customers to fill out the survey, so that was their willingness to help me doing the survey. In addition, the results of the survey indicate that 94.1% of the respondents are willing to come more often if Nana Café and Restaurant provides them a loyalty card. Therefore, it means that, when the customers own a loyalty program with a café or restaurant, the more customers will be more likely to re-visit the café or restaurant. This report will contain several parts, including introduction, background information about the company, marketing analysis, research objectives, literature review, research methodology, data collection, and research findings. Finally, several recommendations and conclusions will be provided according to the results of the data analysis.

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