Manufacture and Physicochemical Characterization of Safou (Dacryodes Edulis) Pulp-based Chips in Congo-Brazzaville

Authors : Franchelle Constance Bakeni Moukani; Irène Itoua; Marina Kissita; Jocelyne Rénée Laurence Dhellot

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : The aim of this work is to manufacture a snack product based on local products, including the pulp of safou. The saffron was precooked in hot water to extract the pulp. The pulp obtained was mixed with other ingredients to obtain a batter. Three (03) types of pastes were obtained: a simple or plain paste (containing no ingredients), a salted paste and a sweet paste. The doughs were fried at 150 (plain chips), 160 (salted chips) and 170 °C (sweet chips) to give plain chips, salted chips and sweet chips. The biochemical composition of the chips showed protein contents ranging from 5.85±0.15 and 7.42±0.12% for the salted and plain chips respectively. The lipid content varied between 65.51±0.29 and 69.32±0.30% for salted and plain chips respectively. The chips obtained are rich in minerals with Ca and P contents of 64.04 and 70.37 mg for salted chips and 31.86 and 45.78 mg for sweet chips, respectively.

The aim of this work is to manufacture a snack product based on local products, including the pulp of safou. The saffron was precooked in hot water to extract the pulp. The pulp obtained was mixed with other ingredients to obtain a batter. Three (03) types of pastes were obtained: a simple or plain paste (containing no ingredients), a salted paste and a sweet paste. The doughs were fried at 150 (plain chips), 160 (salted chips) and 170 °C (sweet chips) to give plain chips, salted chips and sweet chips. The biochemical composition of the chips showed protein contents ranging from 5.85±0.15 and 7.42±0.12% for the salted and plain chips respectively. The lipid content varied between 65.51±0.29 and 69.32±0.30% for salted and plain chips respectively. The chips obtained are rich in minerals with Ca and P contents of 64.04 and 70.37 mg for salted chips and 31.86 and 45.78 mg for sweet chips, respectively.

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