Authors :
Vincent T. Libres
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 4 - April
Google Scholar :
Scribd :
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study is to evaluate
whether technical support teachers have significant
mediating effect on the relationship between human
capital management and teachers’ eagerness for school
initiatives. In this study, the researcher selected the 210
public elementary school teachers in Maa District,
Davao City as the respondents of the study. Stratified
random sampling technique was utilized in the selection
of the respondents. Non-experimental quantitative
research design using descriptive-correlational method
was employed. The data collected were subjected on the
following statistical tools: Mean, Partial Correlation, and
Multiple Regression Analysis. Descriptive analysis
showed that human capital management, teachers’
eagerness for school initiatives, and technical support in
Maa District, Davao City were described as moderately
extensive. Further, correlation analysis demonstrated
that there is significant relationship among human
capital management, teachers’ eagerness for school
initiatives, and technical support in Maa District, Davao
City. Evidently, Multiple Regression Analysis proved
that technical support have significant mediating effect
on the relationship between human capital management
and teachers’ eagerness for school initiatives in Maa
District, Davao City. The study, therefore, was
conducted for further utilization of findings through
publication in reputable research journal.
Keywords :
Educational Management, Human Capital Management, Teachers’ Eagerness For School Initiatives, Technical Support, Mediation Analysis, Philippines.
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The main purpose of this study is to evaluate
whether technical support teachers have significant
mediating effect on the relationship between human
capital management and teachers’ eagerness for school
initiatives. In this study, the researcher selected the 210
public elementary school teachers in Maa District,
Davao City as the respondents of the study. Stratified
random sampling technique was utilized in the selection
of the respondents. Non-experimental quantitative
research design using descriptive-correlational method
was employed. The data collected were subjected on the
following statistical tools: Mean, Partial Correlation, and
Multiple Regression Analysis. Descriptive analysis
showed that human capital management, teachers’
eagerness for school initiatives, and technical support in
Maa District, Davao City were described as moderately
extensive. Further, correlation analysis demonstrated
that there is significant relationship among human
capital management, teachers’ eagerness for school
initiatives, and technical support in Maa District, Davao
City. Evidently, Multiple Regression Analysis proved
that technical support have significant mediating effect
on the relationship between human capital management
and teachers’ eagerness for school initiatives in Maa
District, Davao City. The study, therefore, was
conducted for further utilization of findings through
publication in reputable research journal.
Keywords :
Educational Management, Human Capital Management, Teachers’ Eagerness For School Initiatives, Technical Support, Mediation Analysis, Philippines.