Authors :
Veryzal Danang Nugraha; Djumarno
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
This study explores a model of customer
purchase intention in millennial segment electric car
buyers in Jabodetabek using a modified Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB) and analyzed by Structural
Equation Modeling using Smart-PLS 3.2.9. Although
sales of electric cars in Indonesia are increasing,
consumer purchase interest, especially the millennial
generation, is still low compared to other Asian
countries. This study examines the influence of factors
in the modified TPB, including Attitude, Subjective
Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control, Government
Policy and Environmental Concern on the purchase
intention of electric cars. Data was collected through a
survey of millennials in Jabodetabek. The results of
SEM analysis show that Attitude and Environmental
Concern have a positive and significant influence on the
purchase intention of electric cars. Meanwhile,
Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control and
Government Policy have a positive but insignificant
impact on the purchase intention of electric cars for
millennials in Jabodetabek. The findings of this study
provide insights for manufacturers, policymakers and
marketers on how to increase the adoption of electric
cars among millennials. Appropriate strategies can be
designed to drive electric car market growth and
overcome existing barriers.
Keywords :
Electric Car, Purchase Intention, Millennial, Theory Of Planned Behavior, Structural Equation Modeling.
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This study explores a model of customer
purchase intention in millennial segment electric car
buyers in Jabodetabek using a modified Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB) and analyzed by Structural
Equation Modeling using Smart-PLS 3.2.9. Although
sales of electric cars in Indonesia are increasing,
consumer purchase interest, especially the millennial
generation, is still low compared to other Asian
countries. This study examines the influence of factors
in the modified TPB, including Attitude, Subjective
Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control, Government
Policy and Environmental Concern on the purchase
intention of electric cars. Data was collected through a
survey of millennials in Jabodetabek. The results of
SEM analysis show that Attitude and Environmental
Concern have a positive and significant influence on the
purchase intention of electric cars. Meanwhile,
Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavioral Control and
Government Policy have a positive but insignificant
impact on the purchase intention of electric cars for
millennials in Jabodetabek. The findings of this study
provide insights for manufacturers, policymakers and
marketers on how to increase the adoption of electric
cars among millennials. Appropriate strategies can be
designed to drive electric car market growth and
overcome existing barriers.
Keywords :
Electric Car, Purchase Intention, Millennial, Theory Of Planned Behavior, Structural Equation Modeling.