Modelling the Effect of Infant and Maternal Mortalityon the Population of Nigeria

Authors : NKPORDEE, Leki; OGOLO,Ibinabo Magnus

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The goal of this study was to simulate the impact of infant mortality and maternal death rates on the Nigerian population from 1980 to 2021. This study has five particular objectives that were created and used. Relevant related literatures were reviewed based on the factors in the objectives. This study was conducted using a cross-sectional research design. For this study, secondary data was taken from yearly records of Nigerian infant/maternal mortality rates and population from the World Development Indicators- World Bank Data – 2019 and World Bank, and the data was analyzed using a multiple regression model. MINITAB (version 20.0) and Microsoft Excel 2013 were used for all calculations. The series plot results for the variables that affected the Nigerian population show a downward trend across the plot, indicating a linear but negative link between the mortality variables and the Nigerian population. To determine the significant parameters, the Durbin method of estimating a multiple regression model was used; this found that all of the model's parameters were significant at 5%, which appears unbiased. It was discovered that Nigeria's population will continue to grow over the next six years, despite the effects of newborn and maternal mortality on the population. It was suggested that the government and community leaders use the media to inform, educate, and sensitize people about baby and maternal health.

Keywords : Infant Mortality, Maternal Mortality, Population, Modelling, Regression Model.

The goal of this study was to simulate the impact of infant mortality and maternal death rates on the Nigerian population from 1980 to 2021. This study has five particular objectives that were created and used. Relevant related literatures were reviewed based on the factors in the objectives. This study was conducted using a cross-sectional research design. For this study, secondary data was taken from yearly records of Nigerian infant/maternal mortality rates and population from the World Development Indicators- World Bank Data – 2019 and World Bank, and the data was analyzed using a multiple regression model. MINITAB (version 20.0) and Microsoft Excel 2013 were used for all calculations. The series plot results for the variables that affected the Nigerian population show a downward trend across the plot, indicating a linear but negative link between the mortality variables and the Nigerian population. To determine the significant parameters, the Durbin method of estimating a multiple regression model was used; this found that all of the model's parameters were significant at 5%, which appears unbiased. It was discovered that Nigeria's population will continue to grow over the next six years, despite the effects of newborn and maternal mortality on the population. It was suggested that the government and community leaders use the media to inform, educate, and sensitize people about baby and maternal health.

Keywords : Infant Mortality, Maternal Mortality, Population, Modelling, Regression Model.

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