Modern Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture

Authors : Sadiq Sani; Abubakar Ibrahim Abdulkadir; Nasif Abdullahi; Kabiru Musa Abubakar; Abdullahi Abdul; Abdullahi Lawal Umar

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : The global population is increasing at an alarming rate, presenting a formidable challenge in meeting the escalating demand for food. This concern has garnered the attention of agrarian scientists and policymakers worldwide. The present population's rapid utilization of natural resources raises apprehensions about compromising the entitlement of future generations to access nutritious food and clean air. The multifaceted causes of this challenge can be delineated, with a prominent factor identified as the deficient or suboptimal implementation of innovative approaches and practices for sustainable agriculture. These contemporary strategies encompass climate-smart agriculture (CSA), precision farming, sustainable intensification, biodynamic agriculture, regenerative agriculture, organic farming, agroecology, integrated nutrient management (INM), integrated pest management, conservation agriculture, aquaponics, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics. It discusses the potential of these approaches to enhance resource efficiency, optimize yield, minimize environmental impact, and address challenges related to food security and climate change resilience. Empirical evidence supports the assertion that the adoption of these approaches and practices serves as a safeguard for agricultural sustainability.

Keywords : Sustainable Agriculture, Modern Approaches, Climate Smart Agriculture, Precision Farming, Aquaponics, Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics.

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The global population is increasing at an alarming rate, presenting a formidable challenge in meeting the escalating demand for food. This concern has garnered the attention of agrarian scientists and policymakers worldwide. The present population's rapid utilization of natural resources raises apprehensions about compromising the entitlement of future generations to access nutritious food and clean air. The multifaceted causes of this challenge can be delineated, with a prominent factor identified as the deficient or suboptimal implementation of innovative approaches and practices for sustainable agriculture. These contemporary strategies encompass climate-smart agriculture (CSA), precision farming, sustainable intensification, biodynamic agriculture, regenerative agriculture, organic farming, agroecology, integrated nutrient management (INM), integrated pest management, conservation agriculture, aquaponics, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics. It discusses the potential of these approaches to enhance resource efficiency, optimize yield, minimize environmental impact, and address challenges related to food security and climate change resilience. Empirical evidence supports the assertion that the adoption of these approaches and practices serves as a safeguard for agricultural sustainability.

Keywords : Sustainable Agriculture, Modern Approaches, Climate Smart Agriculture, Precision Farming, Aquaponics, Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics.

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