Authors :
Setyo Sugiharto Marsudji; Alfian Jalal P
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Background Surgical procedure in
symptomatic hemorrhoid, either closed and open
hemorrhoidectomy, always associate with long duration
of high grade post operative pain, long time of recovery,
and various post operative complication. Some new
operation technique had been introduced to solve the
problem above. The Doppler Guided Hemorrhoid
Artery Ligation (DGHAL) technique had decreased the
post operative pain successfully. In the developing
countries, the limitation in using protoscope Doppler
solved by some modification of DGHAL technique,
known as Modified Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation
(MHAL) that switch the use of hemorrhoid artery
Doppler with palpation of artery pulsation in its
anatomic location. In 2009, Association of
Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland had
recommended some surgeon to use a Hemorrhoid Artery
Ligation technique without Doppler. In Saiful Anwar
General Hospital Malang, one of the digestive surgeon,
dr. Setyo S, SpB(KBD) had undergone some hemorrhoid
surgical procedure using Modified Hemorrhoid Artery
Ligation (MHAL) technique with satisfying result since
2008. Objective Observe the post operative pain, length
of stay and resting period needed for the patient after
undergo a Modified Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation
procedure and chance of any complication after six
week. Method Twenty patients diagnosed with internal
hemorrhoid grade III undergo a surgical procedure with
MHAL or Closed Hemorrhoidectomy Ferguson
technique. Sample divided in two groups using Quasi
experimental design. After procedure, the pain score a
day after operation is recorded. The length of stay,
resting period needed and complication after six week
after operation had also been observed. Result There is a
significant different result in post operative pain score
(p=0,001), length of stay (p=0,001) and resting period
needed (p=0,001) using MHAL technique comparing to
the CHF technique. However, there is no significant
difference in incidence of complication in six week post
operation for both techniques. Conclusion The MHAL
technique is better than CHF technique considering post
operative pain, length of stay and resting period needed.
Keywords :
Internal hemorrhoid grade III, Modified Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation (MHAL), closed hemorrhoidectomy Ferguson (CHF), post operative pain
Background Surgical procedure in
symptomatic hemorrhoid, either closed and open
hemorrhoidectomy, always associate with long duration
of high grade post operative pain, long time of recovery,
and various post operative complication. Some new
operation technique had been introduced to solve the
problem above. The Doppler Guided Hemorrhoid
Artery Ligation (DGHAL) technique had decreased the
post operative pain successfully. In the developing
countries, the limitation in using protoscope Doppler
solved by some modification of DGHAL technique,
known as Modified Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation
(MHAL) that switch the use of hemorrhoid artery
Doppler with palpation of artery pulsation in its
anatomic location. In 2009, Association of
Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland had
recommended some surgeon to use a Hemorrhoid Artery
Ligation technique without Doppler. In Saiful Anwar
General Hospital Malang, one of the digestive surgeon,
dr. Setyo S, SpB(KBD) had undergone some hemorrhoid
surgical procedure using Modified Hemorrhoid Artery
Ligation (MHAL) technique with satisfying result since
2008. Objective Observe the post operative pain, length
of stay and resting period needed for the patient after
undergo a Modified Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation
procedure and chance of any complication after six
week. Method Twenty patients diagnosed with internal
hemorrhoid grade III undergo a surgical procedure with
MHAL or Closed Hemorrhoidectomy Ferguson
technique. Sample divided in two groups using Quasi
experimental design. After procedure, the pain score a
day after operation is recorded. The length of stay,
resting period needed and complication after six week
after operation had also been observed. Result There is a
significant different result in post operative pain score
(p=0,001), length of stay (p=0,001) and resting period
needed (p=0,001) using MHAL technique comparing to
the CHF technique. However, there is no significant
difference in incidence of complication in six week post
operation for both techniques. Conclusion The MHAL
technique is better than CHF technique considering post
operative pain, length of stay and resting period needed.
Keywords :
Internal hemorrhoid grade III, Modified Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation (MHAL), closed hemorrhoidectomy Ferguson (CHF), post operative pain