Authors :
Mark Alvin D. Rivas; Dr. Milagros A. Celedonio
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to examine the
effectiveness of Electronic Strategic Intervention Material
(e-SIM) in augmenting students' conceptual
understanding of Cytology. The e-SIM was developed
using PowerPoint Presentation 2016 and Visual Basic
Application Macro. This material is a gamification
utilizing the popular Mobile Legends Bangbang
characters and animations. Participants were fifty (50)
students from Pedro C. Sese Sr. Memorial High School,
School Year 2022-2023. They were sought through
matching technique from the population of Grade 8
students. This study made use of a mixed method.
Descriptive developmental to obtain information
concerning the development and validation of the
material and quasi-experimental to investigate the effect
of e-SIM to students’ learning performance. Test results
were computed through KR-20. Independent T-test was
used to find the significant difference between the pretest
and posttest of control and experimental group, Shapiro-
Wilk Test for normality of data, Fleiss’ Kappa for the
agreement of raters and students’ responses on e-SIM and
frequency counts and percentage for the students’
learning performance level in Cytology after the conduct
of the study. Based on the test results, the participants
performed better on posttest in conventional method of
teaching and using e-SIM. However, there is a significant
difference between the test scores of control and
experimental group. The results show that experimental
group does better than control group. This implies that
adding quests or games to the e-SIM will make learning
more exciting for students. Furthermore, feedback from
students suggests that e-SIM, which uses characters and
animations from Mobile Legends Bangbang, is engaging
and motivates students to understand the material,
leading to more substantial learning.
Keywords :
Electronic Strategic Intervention Material, Conventional Method Of Teaching, Cytology, Augmentation, Mobile Legends.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the
effectiveness of Electronic Strategic Intervention Material
(e-SIM) in augmenting students' conceptual
understanding of Cytology. The e-SIM was developed
using PowerPoint Presentation 2016 and Visual Basic
Application Macro. This material is a gamification
utilizing the popular Mobile Legends Bangbang
characters and animations. Participants were fifty (50)
students from Pedro C. Sese Sr. Memorial High School,
School Year 2022-2023. They were sought through
matching technique from the population of Grade 8
students. This study made use of a mixed method.
Descriptive developmental to obtain information
concerning the development and validation of the
material and quasi-experimental to investigate the effect
of e-SIM to students’ learning performance. Test results
were computed through KR-20. Independent T-test was
used to find the significant difference between the pretest
and posttest of control and experimental group, Shapiro-
Wilk Test for normality of data, Fleiss’ Kappa for the
agreement of raters and students’ responses on e-SIM and
frequency counts and percentage for the students’
learning performance level in Cytology after the conduct
of the study. Based on the test results, the participants
performed better on posttest in conventional method of
teaching and using e-SIM. However, there is a significant
difference between the test scores of control and
experimental group. The results show that experimental
group does better than control group. This implies that
adding quests or games to the e-SIM will make learning
more exciting for students. Furthermore, feedback from
students suggests that e-SIM, which uses characters and
animations from Mobile Legends Bangbang, is engaging
and motivates students to understand the material,
leading to more substantial learning.
Keywords :
Electronic Strategic Intervention Material, Conventional Method Of Teaching, Cytology, Augmentation, Mobile Legends.