Monitoring of Plastic Waste on the Beaches of Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast

Authors : Téya Koffi Basile; Effebi Kokoh Rose; Niamké Kadio Hilaire; Gbossou Koudou Christophe

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The presence of plastic waste is increasingly evident on the beaches of Grand-Bassam, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This state of affairs calls for diagnostic studies. Thus, the objective of this study was to monitor plastic waste on the beaches of GrandBassam according to the four (04) climatic seasons of the area. To this end, three (03) sites were defined on the coast of Grand-Bassam for the monitoring of this plastic waste. Subsequently, from March 2022 to October 2022, eight (08) sampling campaigns including two (02) per season, were conducted on a transect of 25 meters from each site. The results of the surveys on the beaches of Grand-Bassam indicate that the quantities of plastic waste vary from 2.67 kg (Site 2, Long Dry Season) to 9.8 kg (Site 3, Short Dry Season) for a transect of 25 meters. It appears that the composition of these plastics is largely dominated by polypropylene (PP) with 33.35% and low density polyethylene (LDPE) with 23.43% of the total quantity of plastic waste collected on the three (03) sites. The results of the test of variability (discriminant analysis) and statistical analysis (ANOVA test) indicate variability from one range to another and from one season to another.

Keywords : Waste, Grand-Bassam, beach, plastic, quantification, variability.

The presence of plastic waste is increasingly evident on the beaches of Grand-Bassam, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This state of affairs calls for diagnostic studies. Thus, the objective of this study was to monitor plastic waste on the beaches of GrandBassam according to the four (04) climatic seasons of the area. To this end, three (03) sites were defined on the coast of Grand-Bassam for the monitoring of this plastic waste. Subsequently, from March 2022 to October 2022, eight (08) sampling campaigns including two (02) per season, were conducted on a transect of 25 meters from each site. The results of the surveys on the beaches of Grand-Bassam indicate that the quantities of plastic waste vary from 2.67 kg (Site 2, Long Dry Season) to 9.8 kg (Site 3, Short Dry Season) for a transect of 25 meters. It appears that the composition of these plastics is largely dominated by polypropylene (PP) with 33.35% and low density polyethylene (LDPE) with 23.43% of the total quantity of plastic waste collected on the three (03) sites. The results of the test of variability (discriminant analysis) and statistical analysis (ANOVA test) indicate variability from one range to another and from one season to another.

Keywords : Waste, Grand-Bassam, beach, plastic, quantification, variability.

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