Motivating Factors that Influences Delinquency in Molino II City of Bacoor, Cavite

Authors : Jimmy M. Caltino; Arman C. Maribojo; James E. Dalis; Christopher Lee C. Arciaga; Mark Benedict P. Crespo

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : This study was conducted to determine: First, the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, educational attainment, and order in the family. Second, is the motivating factors that influence delinquency in terms of family problems, environmental/neighborhood, personal interest, academic performances and peer pressure. Third, is the significant difference on the common factors by the respondents pertaining to their demographic profile in terms of sex. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were formulated. The youths of Molino II should undergo a personal development seminar in coordination with the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) under the Barangay of Molino II and Bacoor Government Center (BGC) for them to have knowledge about establishing behavior in a positive way and how to evade such occasion like they were being controlled by their peers to do some delinquent acts. Giving sufficient aid or financial aid to the youth to prevent delinquent acts causing by the discontentment of the youth and small business grant by the local government by qualified member. The parents should supervise the schooling of their children and have a regular consultation with the school/teacher. Lastly, the barangay should have a program that will strengthen the family bond in every home and strict curfew hour for the minors and barangay ordinance on selling liquor and cigarettes to the minors. Also, additional CCTV’s and streetlights should be installed in the entire barangay. Every child should learn how to follow the rules of society; they should penalize those children who violates such ordinances in the barangay.

Keywords : Delinquency, Juvenile Delinquency, Delinquents, Child in Conflict with the Law, CICL

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This study was conducted to determine: First, the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, educational attainment, and order in the family. Second, is the motivating factors that influence delinquency in terms of family problems, environmental/neighborhood, personal interest, academic performances and peer pressure. Third, is the significant difference on the common factors by the respondents pertaining to their demographic profile in terms of sex. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were formulated. The youths of Molino II should undergo a personal development seminar in coordination with the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) under the Barangay of Molino II and Bacoor Government Center (BGC) for them to have knowledge about establishing behavior in a positive way and how to evade such occasion like they were being controlled by their peers to do some delinquent acts. Giving sufficient aid or financial aid to the youth to prevent delinquent acts causing by the discontentment of the youth and small business grant by the local government by qualified member. The parents should supervise the schooling of their children and have a regular consultation with the school/teacher. Lastly, the barangay should have a program that will strengthen the family bond in every home and strict curfew hour for the minors and barangay ordinance on selling liquor and cigarettes to the minors. Also, additional CCTV’s and streetlights should be installed in the entire barangay. Every child should learn how to follow the rules of society; they should penalize those children who violates such ordinances in the barangay.

Keywords : Delinquency, Juvenile Delinquency, Delinquents, Child in Conflict with the Law, CICL

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